Denied expense reports are located behind a different tile than you may be used to using to view all of your expense reports. Denied expense reports do not appear on the My Expense Reports tile. Instead, you will need to access the denied reports via the Expense History tile to view the report and the denial comments.
Denied expense reports cannot be edited and resubmitted. However, they can be copied if you need to re-create a similar expense report.
In this article, you will learn the steps to view your denied expense reports in the UGA Financial Management System.
First, log into the Financial Management System
From the Employee Self Service page, click the Expenses tile.
To view a denied expense report, click the Expense History tile.
Note: Under most circumstances, you would click the My Expense Reports tile to review the details of a returned expense report. However, the My Expense Reports page does NOT include denied expense reports.
The Expense Report History page is displayed. From this page, you will find a complete list of your past expense reports, including reports that were denied.
To view the expense report details, click the appropriate expense report.
Example shown here: Expense Report titled "Food for Club Meeting".
The Expense Summary page for the selected expense report is displayed.
Look in the Approval Status section on the right side of the page to see the approver comments regarding the denial.
You have completed the steps to view denied expense reports in the UGA Financial Management System.