This article walks through the process of setting up direct deposit.You have 30 days from hire to enter your direct deposit information. In the meantime, paper checks will be sent to the Home Address you have listed in OneUSG Connect, not to any added Mailing Addresses.
You can enter up to 10 direct deposit accounts to receive money from your paycheck. These may be checking and/or savings accounts.For each account that you enter, you will need to know the routing number for the bank and the specific account number.
There are three deposit types:
- Amount: Allows you to specify a specific amount to always be placed in the specified account.
- Percentage: Allows you to put a specific percent of your paycheck into an account.
- Remaining Balance: The amount that is left over after all other amount and percentages are taken out.
If you only have one account, please choose the deposit type "Remaining Balance."
The Remaining Balance account is the account that will be sent to PeopleSoft Financials for Travel & Expense reimbursements. If an employee's Remaining Balance has the account type of Issue Check, no banking information is sent to financials for these reimbursements.