Creating a Detailed Expense Amendment


In this article, you will learn how to create a detailed amendment for expenses.




You can use the UGA Budget Management System to create a detailed expense amendment.

In this article, you will learn how to create a detailed amendment for expenses.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Budget Management System.

Begin by opening the correct Application. Use the following navigation for the UGABUD application.

Applications > Planning > UGABUD

Click the UGABUD menu.

2. Step 2

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Click the Expand icon to open the Forms panel.

3. Step 3

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When the Form Folder opens, click the Expand link to view the available forms.

4. Step 4

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Click the  Amendments link to view amendments-related forms.

5. Step 5

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A list of forms is displayed.

Click the Amendment Review list item.

6. Step 6

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The Amendment Review form is displayed.  On this page, you will see the information by Department ID, Fund, and Account Code.

7. Step 7

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You can view the information within each Account Code. 400000 is the Account Code used for revenue, while 5000000 is used for used for personal services.  Any overdrafted items will display as a negative number in red.

8. Step 8

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To amend an expense balance, right click on the appropriate cell. 

Example shown here: right-click in the 9896 cell.

9. Step 9

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A pop-up menu is displayed.  You can drill down to see the values that make up this number.

Click the Investigate_Details link.

10. Step 10

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Right click on an expense balance to be increased. 

The expense balance to be increased will most likely be part of a chartstring that will fully cover the amount of the overdraft. 

Example shown here:  -104  cell.

11. Step 11

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Find Money will run a report of what moneys are allowed to be transferred from other chartstrings to this chartstring. The report will allow you to see balances that can assist in correcting an overdraft or that you might wish to move between chartstrings for other reasons.

Click the Find Money link.

12. Step 12

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This report shows you the available balances you have in other chartstrings that you can move to the chartstring you are planning to increase. The Control Level Balance shows the total amount of the fund, department and account type balance.

The Current Value column shows the value of a specific chartstring. It is this level you will actually move money from.

The Amendment Amount (Amt) is blank when you start, but after you generate an amendment, the amendment amount you enter will populate here.

The Pending Balance amount is the Current Value summed with the Amendment Amt information.

Once it is determined which chartstring to move from, you will right click the appropriate cell.

Example shown here: the 83200 cell.

13. Step 13

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After you click on the value, a pop-up menu is displayed.

Click Generate Detailed Amendment to create an amendment that will move the budget between chartstrings.

14. Step 14

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Type the amount of the amendment into the Value field. This must be a non-zero amount.

Example shown here: "1000" in the Amount field.

15. Step 15

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Click the Generate Detail Amendment button.

16. Step 16

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The amendment amount is added to the Post Amend Amt field.

17. Step 17

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You will now need to perform the steps in the “Uploading Budget Journals to the UGA Financial Management System” tutorial to complete the amendment entry.



Article ID: 151261
Sun 9/25/22 9:51 AM
Fri 8/23/24 2:19 PM