Uploading a Budget Journal to the UGA Financial Management System



After completing a budget transaction in the UGA Budget Management System, you will need to populate the Budget Spreadsheet with your information, then upload to the UGA Financial Management System

In this article you will learn how to review and upload the budget journal you created in the Budget Management System. When successfully completed, the budget amendment will be loaded to the UGA Financial Management System.

To complete this process, you need the most current version of the Budget Spreadsheet and Smart View installed on your computer.  To obtain these files, contact the OneSource Service Desk.

Note: You must be logged into the VPN (02-Restricted) before beginning this process.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Budget Management System

The spreadsheet relies on macros to process successfully, so you need to enable the macros to complete the process.

Open the Budget Spreadsheet. Click the Enable Content button.

2. Step 2

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First, you want to pull all of your pending amendments into the spreadsheet.

Note : If you still have copies of amendments that you loaded previously, they will also be loaded.

Click the Populate BudMan Amendments button.

3. Step 3

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The Connect to Data Source dialog box is displayed. This will connect you to the UGA Budget Management System to retrieve your pending amendments.

Enter your MyID credentials.

4. Step 4

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Click the Connect button.

5. Step 5

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When prompted, you will want to delete amendments from the Budget Management System. If you save and upload these amendments, you will need to remove them from the Budget Management System manually to avoid submitting them again.

If you're not ready, you can choose "No".

Click the No button.

6. Step 6

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If you answer "No", you will see this message.

This reminds you that the system will upload all pending amendments in the Budget Management system. You will want to delete those that have already been sent to the UGA Financial Management System so they are not submitted again.

Click the OK button to return to the original message.

7. Step 7

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When you are sure the correct pending amendments are there, click the  Yes  button.

8. Step 8

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Enter appropriate information into the  File name  field. Enter " AmendmentUpload " into the File name field.

9. Step 9

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Save the file.

10. Step 10

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A message will appear that gives you a status of the upload. If there are errors, you will need to review and take steps to correct the errors.

When the upload is successful, click the  OK  button.

11. Step 11

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You can save this file to another location to keep a record of what you uploaded, or close the spreadsheet when you are finished.

Additional Information:

Technical Requirements:

In order to use the UGA Budget Management Budget Spreadsheet, you must have the most recent version of the Spreadsheet (Hyperion Bud Amend Jrnl Uploader.xlsm) and of the Smart View program installed on your computer. To obtain both of these files, you can contact the OneSource Service Desk at onesource@uga.edu or at 706-542-0202.

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