Service and Support Tickets


This client portal is connected to the Finance Division and University Human Resources ticketing support applications, allowing you to easily interact with your tickets. When you request support or initiate various business processes through the service catalog, a "ticket" is created. These tickets are automatically assigned to support staff who will work on them. Depending on the support application you used, different sub-departments within the Finance Division and University Human Resources will handle your ticket.



In this article we will answer the following questions:

  1. What is a ticket?
  2. How do I open a ticket?
  3. How do I see my tickets?
  4. How do I interact with my tickets?
  5. What about workflow?


What is a ticket?

A ticket is essentially a request for support, with the goal of resolving your question or issue. Each ticket has a requester (the person who initiated the request), contacts (additional personnel involved), and a licensed technician or group assigned to the ticket. Within this portal, the support technicians are employees of the Finance Division and University Human Resources. Tickets have various statuses that indicate the progress being made on your request. The specific ticket statuses may vary depending on the department, but generally, you will encounter the following:

  • New: Assigned when a ticket is created.
  • In Process: Indicates that a technician is actively working on your inquiry.
  • On Hold: Designates that a ticket has been temporarily paused, and the technician is not actively working on it.
  • Awaiting Customer Response: Indicates that the technician requires additional information from you, has provided an answer, or completed a task and is awaiting your confirmation.
  • Closed or Resolved: Assigned when all work has been completed or the issue has been resolved.
    • Note: that if a ticket is closed but you find additional actions are required, simply reply or comment on the ticket, and it will be placed back into the most recent status before closure.
    • Additional note on older closed tickets: If you have previously received support and the ticket was closed over 14 days ago, but you have a new, similar inquiry or want to reference information from the previous ticket, it is best to open a NEW ticket and mention the previous one. The technicians can access your old tickets, review emails and notifications, and address your new inquiry appropriately. Commenting on old tickets does not reopen them and may lead to your new inquiry being overlooked.


How do I open a ticket?

There are two main ways to open a ticket: via email or through the service catalog.

  • Email: Certain email addresses automatically create a ticket with the contents of your email. For example, emailing or will generate a ticket, assign you as the Requester, and route it for support.
  • Service Catalog: The service portal is dedicated to comprehensive support for the Finance Division and Human Resources. Additionally, there are specific services for business processes, where upfront information is collected. To open a ticket in the service portal, either visit the provided link or click "Services" in the Service and Support portal's banner, select the appropriate service, complete the form, and submit it.


How do I see my tickets?

By visiting the Ticket Request page in this portal, you will find a list of all your open tickets, not only from the Finance Division and HR but also any Team Dynamix ticket you have opened with other departments that utilize this ticketing system at UGA. This means you may also see tickets you have opened with your IT department if applicable. While the default view displays open tickets, you can select the Status Class drop-down to search for closed tickets as well. There are additional search criteria available to find tickets associated with your name if needed.


How do I interact with tickets?

As the requester or contact of a ticket, you have multiple ways to engage with it:

  1. Reply to Notifications: You can respond directly to the notifications you receive regarding the ticket. For more details on interacting with ticket notifications, refer to the Ticket Notifications Article.
    • NOTE: When it comes to interacting with tickets, there is one important note to keep in mind if you are a non-UGA personnel who has opened a ticket via email. Please be aware that only UGA personnel can log into the client portal to view and manage their tickets directly. However, rest assured that non-UGA personnel who have opened tickets via email will continue to receive support and updates on those tickets through email communication. Thus the following 2, 3, and 4 options only apply to UGA employees and students.
  2. Accessing Tickets: You can access the ticket directly by following the link included in all notification messages or by visiting the Ticket Request page mentioned earlier.
  3. Ticket Information and Comments: Each ticket provides information about the request, such as the opening date, last modification, and the attributes you filled out when opening the ticket. You can leave comments in the ticket feed, which allows you to notify the assigned technician or group, as well as any other contacts associated with the ticket. Additionally, you can attach files or withdraw your request, if necessary.
  4. Ticket Actions and Alerts: All actions taken on a ticket are recorded in the ticket's "feed." You can set up alerts for specific events related to your ticket, such as when all tasks are complete, when the ticket is due, and when it is in process, overdue, or completed.

Each ticket has a unique ticket ID that remains unchanged. All tickets opened under your Team Dynamix profile will be retained indefinitely, ensuring future reference and accessibility.


What about workflow?

Some services in the F&A Client portal have pre-defined workflows assigned to them upon creation. These workflows may involve collecting approvals or assigning tasks based on specific business process requirements. Workflow functionality is a crucial aspect of certain services within the F&A Client portal. When you create a ticket for services, predefined workflows are automatically applied to facilitate the necessary approvals or task assignments. To learn more about how to interact with ticket workflows, please click here. This resource will provide detailed information and guidance on effectively navigating and engaging with the workflows within the ticketing system.


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