Running the Position Funding Details Query


In OneUSG Connect, you can run the Position Funding Details query (180_CA_POSITION_FUNDING_V3) on the System Manager Reporting Page. This query provides information on Funding Effective Date, Funding Effective Sequence, Combo Code, and Distribution %

In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query to view position funding data in OneUSG Connect.

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect

On the Manager Self Service page, click the System Manager Reporting tile.

2. Step 2

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The System Manager Reporting page is displayed. You can locate the query using the following navigation:

Commitment Accounting > Position Funding Query Group

Click the Position Funding Details links.

3. Step 3

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The search parameters for the query 180_CA_POSITION_FUNDING_V3 - Position Funding FY History  are displayed.

The Set ID defaults to 18000. You can use additional search parameters to narrow the results, including Fiscal Year (required), Position Number, Empl ID, Combo Code, and ChartFields like Finance Department ID and Project ID.

Enter your search criteria, then click the View Results button.

4. Step 4

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The query data is displayed.

Click the Excel SpreadSheet link to download the data as an Excel file.

5. Step 5

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When prompted, click to open the file.

Click the OK button.

6. Step 6

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Position funding data is displayed.

Click the Enable Editing button.

7. Step 7

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Columns displayed include Name, Empl ID, HR Department ID, Job Code, and Pay Group.  

8. Step 8

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Scroll to the right to view additional columns, including Position Number and Description, HR Department ID, and Effective Date.

9. Step 9

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Continue scrolling right to view Combo Code and Distribution %.

10. Step 10

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The ChartFields used to fund the selected positions are displayed in the final columns.

Additional Information:

The query may return multiple dates and sequences. For example, in the same below, you can see that there are four updates with the same date; however, the highest funding sequence (in this case, Funding Sequence of 1) supercedes the other information from that date.  Below, someone may have entered the incorrect Distribution % of 97.959 (line 1) and 2.041 (line 2), then corrected the Distribution % that same day to lines 3 and 4.

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