In the OneUSG Connect system, you can run the Funding by Department ID Run ID query (180_PY_FUNDING_BY_DEPTID_RUNID) from the System Manager Reporting Page to find compensation information by department for a specific pay run.
In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query to view funding by Department ID and Run ID.
On the Manager Self Service page, click the System Manager Reporting tile.
In the Queries section on the left side of the page, click the Commitment Accounting drop-down to display the queries under that category.
Click the Payroll Expenses Detail link.
The query search page is displayed. The Set ID field is auto-populated.
Enter appropriate information into the Dept ID field. Note that you can leave the field blank to return all departments.
Enter the Pay Run ID. A Pay Run ID identifies the specific payroll run that you want to view by year, month, and order of payroll run in that month. More information on Payroll Run ID can be found in the OneSource Training Library.
If you do not know the Pay Run ID, you can search for it.
Click the magnifying glass next to the Pay Run ID field.
The Query search window is displayed. You can search for a Pay Run ID if you know the whole or part of the ID.
For example, if you are searching for a 2020 Pay Run ID, enter 0 in the search field to return all of the Pay Run IDs that begin with 0 to indicate 2020.
From the searched results, choose the appropriate Query link.
Example shown here: 03M1 link.
Enter the appropriate information into the *Acct Date Begin / *Acct Date End fields.
Example Shown: 01/01/2020 - 12/31/2020 in the *Acct Date Begin and *Acct Date End fields.
Click the View Results button.
The requested result is displayed.
Click the Excel SpreadSheet link to download the data into an Excel file.
Click the Open button.
The results are displayed. You can filter or sort the columns to find the data you need. Columns displayed include EMPL ID, Position Number, Name, and Pay Group.
Click the Enable Editing button to be able to edit the document.
Scroll to the right to view additional information, including Pay Period Compensation, Combo Code, Distribution %, and Compensation Rate.
Additional Information:
A Pay Run ID for each of the bi-weekly pay dates has the following naming convention:
The monthly Pay Run ID naming conventions are as follows:
Note: The months switch to letters after the 9th month: O for October, N for November, D for December.
9OM1 = 2019 October Monthly 1st Check
A list of all biweekly pay dates and pay run IDs can be found on the 2019 UGA Practitioner Biweekly Payroll Processing Schedule. Monthly pay dates and pay run IDs can be found on the 2019 UGA Practitioner Monthly Payroll Processing Schedule.