Navigating in OneUSG Connect


You can navigate in OneUSG Connect using the tiles on the homepage and the Navigator menu. Some of the functions you will need to perform your job are available from the tiles. To complete actions that are not accessible from the tiles located on your homepage, you can use the Navigator menu to move through your available options.

You will learn how to navigate through the OneUSG Connect interface to become familiar with the look and feel of the system.

Tutorial Resources

Help Guide: Navigating in OneUSG Connect

You can access the OneUSG Connect System using a fluid (graphic) interface that allows you to work in the same environment across devices.

In this article, you will learn a few of the navigation tips to use this interface effectively.

Note: Employee data has been masked or changed to protect employee identity.

1. Step 1

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After logging in to OneUSG Connect, you will be on the Employee Self Service page. 

This page is comprised of several tiles that take you to the webpages you need to view your pay stub, update your direct deposit information, and more.

2. Step 2

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Certain functions are determined by the Preference values. Some of these are assigned based on your roles, while others you have the ability to edit.

Click the Actions List button.

3. Step 3

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Click the My Preferences link.

4. Step 4

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The My Preferences page is displayed. This page consists of several sections that display options assigned to you.

The General Options are defaulted and are the same for all users. 

Click the Regional Settings link.

5. Step 5

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The Regional Settings are displayed. These are system default settings for how regional settings like dates and times are displayed throughout the system. These are display-only and cannot be changed.

Other sections also display the behaviors that govern how you use the system. You can click through these to view more information.

6. Step 6

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Click the Arrow in the top left corner to return to the Self Service home page.

7. Step 7

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The Employee Self Service homepage is displayed.

Click the Personal Details tile to see your personal information that is used throughout the system.

8. Step 8

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The Personal Details page is displayed.

The left side of the page provides several links that open to display the menu of options available for you to change.

9. Step 9

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The right side of the page contains the Address information. You can update this information.

10. Step 10

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To edit your current address click on that row. When you make changes to any data, make sure to click Save to record the changes.

Click the entry in the Home Address row.

11. Step 11

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The Address change page is displayed.

Notice that if you make a change, you will need to supply a date to indicate when the change starts. This is known as an Effective Date and is seen on many pages in OneUSG Connect.

Once you make your changes, be sure to click the Save button.

12. Step 12

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When you are finished viewing or changing the Address information, you can explore the other menu options.

When you have completed viewing/changing this information, click the Arrow to return to the Employee Self Service homepage.

13. Step 13

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The Employee Self Service homepage is displayed again.

Click the NavBar icon in the upper right corner of the page to see the options available there.

14. Step 14

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Click the Recent Viewed button.

15. Step 15

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The NavBar: Recent Places menu makes it easy to resume working where you were when you closed your last session. It lists the last 5 pages where you worked.

Click the Personalize NavBar button.

16. Step 16

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The Personalize NavBar tab is displayed. You can add and delete the options that appear on your NavBar using this tab.

The red "X" icons on the lines enable you to remove these selections from the Navigator menu.

Click the Save button to review other options.

17. Step 17

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Click the Menu button. 

18. Step 18

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The NavBar: Navigator menu provides the menu items to which you have access. These links will take you to the page(s) where you will do your work. You can use this menu for things that are not available from the tiles on the homepage(s).

19. Step 19

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You can access your pay information from the NavBar:

Click the Pay button.

20. Step 20

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Your paycheck information is displayed.

You can click on a row to view the details of the check stub for that pay period.

21. Step 21

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Click the Arrow to go back to the Employee Self Service page.

22. Step 22

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Click the drop-down button next to the Employee Self Service to view other homepage options.

23. Step 23

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Click the Benefits link.

24. Step 24

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The Benefits homepage is displayed.

Clicking on Manage My Benefits tile will take you to the USG Single Sign-on Authentication page to access your benefits.

25. Step 25

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To navigate away from the Benefits page, click the drop-down menu next to Benefits.

26. Step 26

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Clicking on any option takes you to that homepage and the tiles available to you to complete your daily tasks. 

The availability of different homepages depends on the security roles you have in the system. Other pages include Manager Self Service for Reports To Supervisors, the Time Approver page for Time & Absence Approvers, and Faculty Data Self Service for faculty.

27. Step 27

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To sign out of the system, click the Sign Out menu option, then exit your browser.

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