Viewing Your Pay Stub - Monthly Employees


One of the more common tasks you will do in Employee Self Service is review your paystub. Employees can view their paystubs using the OneUSG Connect Employee Self Service page. You will no longer receive an email when your paystub is available. On your pay date, you will be able to log in to OneUSG Connect to see your paystub.

*Holiday hours are shown on monthly pay advice documents as information only. It will show the instances and value of those days. It is not Additional Pay. It is included in the monthly rate for monthly employees. (See image below for example.)

You may need to enable pop-ups in order to view your pay stub. To learn how to enable pop-ups in your browser, please refer to the Selecting a Browser, Clearing Cache, and Enabling Pop-ups job aid or the Enabling Pop-ups instructions.


Module Resources

Monthly Pay Advice Job Aid


In this article, you will view your pay stub.

1. Step 1

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From the Employee Self Service Homepage, click the Payroll tile.

2. Step 2

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Click the Pay tile.

3. Step 3

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The Pay page is displayed with a list of your paychecks. On this page, you will click the appropriate paycheck to view the pay stub.

Note: You will no longer receive an email when your pay stub is available.

4. Step 4

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Click the arrow next to the appropriate paycheck you want to view.

Note : To view an expanded history of your pay checks, you can click the Filter button to sort by the appropriate Pay Begin / Pay End Dates.

Example shown here: Pay check for Check Date, 08/31/2018.

5. Step 5

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The pay stub for the selected paycheck is displayed.

Note: This is an example of an employee pay stub. Some items may not be applicable to everyone.

6. Step 6

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The UGA address is displayed.

7. Step 7

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The top of the pay stub provides the Pay Group, pay period beginning and end dates, the business unit and advice number, and the pay date.

Note: Pay Group replaces your Pay Type in previous payroll system.

Business Unit identifies the primary department you work for.

8. Step 8

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This section shows the current name and address information on file.

9. Step 9

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In this section you will see:

The Employee ID assigned by USG to use in the HR system. This will follow employees who move to another USG institution. It is used in OneUSG Connect and does not replace the SSN or UGAID (81x).

The Department that is listed is a newly assigned department identifier which organizes staff and faculty based on reports-to information. This is not the cost center/financial department.

Job Title will reflect the new Job classification defined by OneUSG. While the Official UGA Job Titles are retained and used in other places, the Job Code Description will be displayed on the pay advice and other reports generated from the OneUSG Connect system.

You will also see the Location and your current Pay Rate.

10. Step 10

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This section displays your Federal and State withholding elections.

11. Step 11

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The Hours and Earnings section displays hours and earnings for the current pay period as well as Year to Date.

12. Step 12

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The Taxes section displays all tax related deductions.

13. Step 13

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Deductions taken before and after tax are provided in both current and year-to-date amounts.

14. Step 14

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The Employer Paid Benefit section displays the amounts your employer contributes for your benefits.   

15. Step 15

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Current and Year-To-Date Gross, Taxes and Deductions are displayed.  

16. Step 16

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Vacation and Sick Leave balances, as of the last payroll run, are the only leave balances displayed.

Note:   Please refer to OneUSG Connect for your most current Sick and Vacation balances, as well as all other leave balances.  

17. Step 17

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Per Board of Regents policy, employees are required to enroll in direct deposit.  You may have up to ten direct deposit accounts.

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