Submitting a OneUSG Security Access Request


As a manager, you will need to submit a OneUSG Connect security request form for the following transactions:

  • Clone Access
  • Grant Approver Access
  • Grant Initiator Access
  • Terminate Access previously granted in one of the categories on this list 
  • Miscellaneous Access * (including Dynamic Group, Query Viewer, and Job Data View)

Note: If you are unsure which menu item to use on the security request form, the Miscellaneous Request option along with a detailed message in the Request box on the Security Request page would be an appropriate submission.

Tutorial Resources

Security Roles Spreadsheet

Associated SOPs

SOP_SYS-001 Security Request

In this article, you will submit a security request for an employee. Your request will include cloning access from one employee to another and adding an approver role for a specific department.   

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect

From the Manager Self Service page in OneUSG Connect, click the NavBar button.

2. Step 2

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Click the Menu icon.

3. Step 3

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Click the Manager Self Service menu link.

4. Step 4

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Click the Forms menu link.

5. Step 5

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Click the Submit Security Request link.

6. Step 6

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A list of employees that report to the manager are displayed.

Select the employee for whom you are submitting the security request form.

Example shown here: Annette Fratelli link.

7. Step 7

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The Security Request Details page is displayed.

The Effective Date field is used to enter the date the security change is effective.

You can change this date or leave it as is.

Example shown here: leave the date as displayed.

8. Step 8

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The Request field is used to enter a brief description of what you are requesting. For this example, you are requesting that the employee be given the same security access as another employee, also known as clone access.

Enter appropriate information into the Request  field.

Example shown here: "Clone Access - the same as A Konupek".

9. Step 9

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The Security Actions section is used to choose the action that is being added or removed from the employee's security profile.

To view the list, click the Security Actions drop-down list.

10. Step 10

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The available security actions are displayed.

11. Step 11

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If you are unsure which menu item to use, select the Miscellaneous Request option and include a detailed message in the Request field above.   

12. Step 12

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Example shown here, you are requesting that your employee be given the same security action that employee A Konupek currently has. 

Select the Clone Access link. Select the appropriate Security Actions link.

13. Step 13

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The Query Access section will not be used at this time.

14. Step 14

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The Sensitive Data and Actions section will not be used at this time.

15. Step 15

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The Administrator Roles section allows permission to act as a Workflow Administrator.

16. Step 16

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The Grant Access to College or Unit section allows you to narrow access to a specific college or unit.

17. Step 17

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The Grant Access to Specific Department(s) section allows you to add or remove access for a specific department. Example shown here, you will grant access to one EITS department.

To locate the department, click the lookup magnifying glass in the Add or Remove row.

18. Step 18

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The Lookup search page is displayed with the first 300 departments displayed.

To narrow your search results, click the Show Operators link.

19. Step 19

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If you don't know the name of the department, you can use different operators to help you locate the correct ID.

To view search options, click the Show Operators link. 

20. Step 20

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If you don't know the name of the department, you can use different operators to help you locate the correct ID.

In the Template User Role field, click the drop-down list button next to begins with .

21. Step 21

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Select the appropriate search operator for your needs.

Example shown here: contains list item to search for all departments that contain your search criteria.

22. Step 22

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Enter part of the number of the department into the Template User Role field.

Example shown here: "0 "In the Template User Role field

23. Step 23

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Click the Search button.

24. Step 24

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Select the appropriate department link from the search results.

25. Step 25

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The field is populated with the selected value. Use the Add and Delete buttons to add or remove additional departments as needed.

26. Step 26

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If necessary, use the Add Attachment button to include additional documentation.

27. Step 27

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The Review and Submit page is displayed. The Comments section allows you to add relevant comments to the security request.

Note: Comments become a permanent record attached to the transaction.

28. Step 28

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If necessary, use the Add Attachment button to include additional documentation.

29. Step 29

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Click the Submit button.

30. Step 30

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The Security Request confirmation page is displayed with a message that your transaction has been successfully submitted for approval.

31. Step 31

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The transaction will be routed through the OneUSG Connect workflow process for the appropriate approval .

The Pending section displays the approval levels that the security request may go through in the approvals workflow process. Not all levels of approvals displayed in this section are required. Departments will determine the required approval levels.

Example shown here: an Ad Hoc Approver named Alec Fur was inserted into the work flow process, but the request has not been routed through the workflow process yet.

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