You can open multiple windows while in OneUSG Connect to assist you in getting your work done more efficiently.
In this article, you will learn the steps to open and work with multiple windows in OneUSG Connect.
Opening and working with multiple windows allows Supervisors, Time & Absence Approvers, and System Managers to work more efficiently in the system.
On the Manager Self Service home page in OneUSG connect, click the Team Time tile.
Note: In this article, you will open a Time sheet window and the Manage Exceptions window in order to work more efficiently.
The Team Time page is displayed.
Click the Get Employees button to view a list of all your employees.
A list of your employees is displayed.
To open a new window, click the Kebab menu in the top right corner of the screen.
Click the New Window option.
At the top of your browser window, a new tab is opened.
Toggle between the two windows by clicking the appropriate browser tab.
Example shown here: click the Team Time tab in the top left corner of the screen.
The original tab is displayed.
To return to the new tab, click the Team Time tab.
The new tab is re-displayed.
Click the Manage Exceptions link.
Note: You can use any of the other OneUSG Connect functions in this window.
The Manage Exceptions page is displayed. You can locate exceptions for any employee on your team.
To return to your team's time page to resolve eexceptions, click the Team Time tab in the upper left corner.
From the Report/Approve Fluid Timesheet page, select the appropriate employee.
Example shown here: Benji Bagsin link.
The selected employee timesheet is displayed. You can enter corrections or approval to the timesheet as needed.