Submitting a Partial Day Absence Request


For absences that will not span the entire duration of a work day, employees can request a partial day absence through OneUSG Connect. To submit a partial day absence request, you will follow the same steps as submitting an absence request; however, you will also need to indicate the duration and the partial day(s) when submitting the request.

In this article, you will learn the steps to submit a partial day absence request in the OneUSG Connect system.

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect.

From the Employee Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Time and Absence link.

2. Step 2

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The Time and Absence page is displayed.

Click the Request Absence tile.

3. Step 3

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The Request Absence page is displayed.

Your three most recent absence requests are displayed along the top, and Leave Balances in the menu along the righthand side.

4. Step 4

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To view all absences balances,

click the Balances Popout button.

5. Step 5

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Once you have reviewed your absence balances,

click the [X] Close button.

6. Step 6

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Available actions for the three most recent requests are also available.

To view available actions, click the Action button.

Example shown here: Vacation 3/11/2024 action button.

7. Step 7

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Make the appropriate selection from the Action menu or click the Close [X] button.

Example shown here: Close [X] button. 

8. Step 8

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If applicable, click the Hide menu button to minimize the Balances menu

9. Step 9

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Note: The Absence Type field is not a required field. You can use this field to filter the Absence Types in order to narrow down the absence names in the Absence Name list

Click the Absence Type drop-down list.

10. Step 10

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Select the appropriate leave type from the displayed list. 

Note: If you are a Biweekly Benefitted employee, the best practice is to always enter Comp Time Requests and Deferred Holiday requests as Annual/Vacation and then the cascading rules will deduct the comp balance, the deferred holiday balance, and then annual leave. Comp Time and Deferred Holidays are not applicable for Monthly employees. Please view the ESS course materials for more information on the cascading rules.

Example shown here: Sick list item.

11. Step 11

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Click the Absence Name drop-down list.

Absence Name is required. The list is limited by the Absence Type.

12. Step 12

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Choose the appropriate absence name from the list.

Example shown here: Sick list item.

13. Step 13

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Enter the appropriate information in the *Start Date field or select the Calendar icon.

The End Date defaults to the current date. Please update as needed.

14. Step 14

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Click the Apply Absence button.

Note: The leave request will not show additional steps or options until the Apply Absence button has been clicked.

15. Step 15

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Additional leave request options are displayed.

Click the Partial Days button.

16. Step 16

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The Partial Days window is displayed.

Click the Partial Days drop-down list.

17. Step 17

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From the Partial Days list, select the appropriate type.

Note: If you are taking one day of leave, select either All Days or Start Day Only. If you are taking multiple dates off and will only be on partial leave the 1st day of the event- select Start Day Only. If you are taking off part of each day for a range of dates select All Days

Example shown here:  All Days option.

18. Step 18

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Enter the appropriate number of leave hours requested for your partial day.

Example shown here: 2 in the Duration field.


19. Step 19

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Click the Done button.

20. Step 20

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Verify the Duration field has been updated to reflect the number of hours of leave you are requesting.

Click the Check Leave Balance button.

21. Step 21

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A message is displayed, indicating your eligibility for the requested amount of leave.

Click the OK button.

23. Step 23

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If your request date is in the future, you can see the approximate balance of leave that might be available at that point in time.

Click the Forecast Details link.

24. Step 24

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Requests are subject to the USG cascading rules. You will not be able to create a negative leave balance. 

After reviewing the eligible leave balance, click the Close button.

25. Step 25

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When you have finished, click the Submit  button to route the request to your supervisor for review.

26. Step 26

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A message is displayed, confirming your action to submit the absence request.

If you are sure you want to submit the request, click the Yes button.

27. Step 27

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The absence request was submitted successfully.

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