Using the Fiscal Master Calendar


The new Fiscal Master Calendar available on the OIR website ( contains a master list of important dates and deadlines relating to financials, budgets, and payroll at UGA.

In this article, you will learn the steps to view, use, and export the UGA Fiscal Master Calendar.

The Fiscal Master Calendar contains important dates and deadlines for fiscal processes.

1. Step 1

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From the Office of Institutional Research homepage ( ), navigate to the Fiscal Master Calendar using the following navigation:

About > Fiscal Master Calendar.

2. Step 2

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The Fiscal Master Calendar is displayed.

The calendar defaults to displaying the current date in the monthly calendar format. The Back   [<] and Forward   [>] buttons are located above the calendar on the left side. These are used to move the current view in the corresponding direction.

Example shown here: double-click the Forward  [>] button.

3. Step 3

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The calendar has skipped forward two months.

The calendar will move the number of times either arrow is clicked. To return to today's date, click the today button.

4. Step 4

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To view information in the weekly format, click the week button.

5. Step 5

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The current week of the Fiscal Master Calendar is displayed. The current date is marked by a yellow background.

To view the details of a calendar item, click the corresponding calendar entry.

Example shown here: click the Payroll Encumbrances updated in Financial event on Wed 10/16.

6. Step 6

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A calendar pop-up window is displayed for the selected item. This window contains the Responsible Group, Action taken, Target Date and Completed Date for the selected item.

Click the  Close [X]  button to return to the calendar.

7. Step 7

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The weekly calendar is displayed again.

To view the daily calendar, click the  day  button.

8. Step 8

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The Daily calendar is displayed.

Clicking an item in the Daily calendar will open the calendar pop-up window with all the corresponding information.

For a more detailed view of calendar items, scroll down to see the Events table.

9. Step 9

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The Event table lists items in a format that is comprised of Responsible Group, Action, Target Date and Completed Date . The table data can be sorted by each column in both ascending and descending order for each column.

10. Step 10

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The Event table can be filtered by multiple criteria.

To add a filter, click the Add filters button.

11. Step 11

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The Add Filters pop-up window is displayed. 

Click the first drop-down list to change the filter.

12. Step 12

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A list of possible filters is displayed. Click to select the appropriate filter from the list.  

Example shown here: Responsible Group option.

13. Step 13

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The next drop-down list is used to determine the relationship between returned data. 

To filter the selected column, click the dropdown list.

14. Step 14

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A list of options is displayed.  Select the appropriate item to be applied.

Example shown here: " is ".

15. Step 15

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To select which financial event to filter,

click the third dropdown list.

16. Step 16

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The financial event list is displayed. Select the appropriate item from the list.

Note: List items change depending on the responsible group value chosen.

Example shown here:click Accounting - Monthend Close.

17. Step 17

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Note: You can create multiple filters by using the Add filter button and repeating the selection process. 

18. Step 18

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Once the appropriate information is displayed on the Add Filter pop-up, click the Submit button.

19. Step 19

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The Events table is displayed with the selected filter(s) applied.

To navigate between pages of filtered events, click the  Previous [<] or Next [>] buttons.

20. Step 20

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The data in the Events table can be downloaded in several formats to allow additional review and control.

To export the table, click the Export  button.

21. Step 21

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The Export Data pop-up window is displayed.

The two formats that you can select are Commas (.csv) (which opens in Excel) and Tabs (.txt) (which opens in Notepad).

To open an Excel file, click the Commas (.csv) link.

22. Step 22

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Follow any system prompts to open or save the generated file to your computer.

23. Step 23

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From the Event Table, scroll down to view the Bulleted calendar.

24. Step 24

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The Bulleted Calendar displays financial events in a bulleted day-by-day format. The Bulleted Calendar can display by month, week and day like the main Fiscal Master Calendar.

To view a bulleted item's details, click the corresponding event title.    

Example shown here: click the Pay Period Start Date (9OB2) event on Sunday, October 6. 

25. Step 25

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The calendar pop-up window displays along with the corresponding details.

Once the information has been reviewed, click the Close [X] button.

26. Step 26

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The Calculated Bar Chart is located below the Bulleted Calendar (if necessary, scroll down to view). The Calculated Month bar chart displays events in a given month by Responsible Group .

Events for a responsible group can be viewed by clicking the corresponding colored bar.

Example shown here, click the 2019-12 Payroll bar.

27. Step 27

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The Bar Report Records page is displayed. 

Click the Responsible Group header to sort data by that column.

28. Step 28

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The data is sorted by the Responsible Group column in ascending (A-Z) order.

Click the Target Date header to sort by that column.

29. Step 29

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The data is sorted by the Target Date in ascending order (first day of the month to last). 

To switch from ascending to descending order, click the Target Date header again.

Note : Multiple clicks to any column will switch between ascending and descending order.

30. Step 30

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Once data has been reviewed, click the Close [X]  button.

31. Step 31

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The Fiscal Master Calendar page is displayed (if necessary, scroll to the top of the page).

To add the Fiscal Master Calendar to Outlook, click the Download Events link.

Note: In some third party calendar programs, such as Outlook, events may display multiple times. This is a known issue on the software vendor side that is being resolved. Google and Apple calendars do not have this issue.

32. Step 32

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The system file pop-up window is displayed. Follow the system prompts to open the generated file with Microsoft Outlook. 

Click the OK button.

33. Step 33

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The Fiscal Master Calendar is displayed beside your current calendar and listed under Other Calendars on the menu bar.

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