Requesting UGAmart Access


The Request Access Tile on the UGA Financials homepage links to the form requesting access to UGAmart. You will need to know what roles the employee needs to do their job.

In this article you will learn how to request access to the UGAmart system.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System.

The Request Access tile is found on the UGA Financials homepage.

Click the Request Access tile.

2. Step 2

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The UGA Access Links page appears with the menu to select the appropriate request.

3. Step 3

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Click the UGAmart Access Request link.

4. Step 4

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The Security Access Request page opens to the Add a New Value page .

To check on an existing request, you would click on the Find an Existing Value tab to search for a request you have already submitted.  

5. Step 5

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Type the User ID (MyID) of the person for whom you are requesting access. If you do not know the ID, you can use the search features.

To search for the employee, click the lookup magnifying glass next to the User ID field.

6. Step 6

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Use the search fields at the top of the Look Up User ID search page to find the correct employee.

The User ID is the employee's MyID that is used to log into the UGA Financial Management System. The Description is the name of the person.

Search Results lists only retrieve 300 values, so you will need to enter information that narrows down the choices.

Note : Data has been distorted to protect employee information.

7. Step 7

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Locate the correct employee and click on the hyperlink to make your selection.

8. Step 8

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The User ID of the selected employee is returned to the Add a New Value page.

9. Step 9

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The Access Request page is displayed with the selected information in the top section of the page.

10. Step 10

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Search for the name of your CFO who will be responsible for approving this request.

11. Step 11

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Select your CFO from the list.

12. Step 12

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Open the section to view the roles the employee already has.

Click the Expand section link to view or remove any of the already assigned roles.

13. Step 13

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The user in this example has no roles currently,

For any roles that are already assigned to the employee that you might want to remove, turn on the Role Not Needed checkbox on the same row.

14. Step 14

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Click the Collapse section link to make working in the next section easier.

15. Step 15

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You need to let the approver know the reason you are requesting this access.

Enter appropriate information into the  Justification for Access  field.

Example shown here: " new UGAmart user " in the Justification for Access field.

16. Step 16

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Look up the role you want to assign.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Role Name field.

17. Step 17

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A list of the available roles is displayed. Select the one that you want to assign.  

Click the UGAmart Requisitioner link.

18. Step 18

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You can add multiple roles for an employee.

19. Step 19

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Select the next role to add.

Click the magnifying glass next to the Role Name field.

20. Step 20

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Select the additional role.  

Click the UGAmart Requisitioner link.

21. Step 21

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If you select the UGAmart Approver role, you need to provide additional information about the departments that the employee provides approval for. If the UGAmart Approver role applies to a particular workflow step, such as Property Control or Post Award Accounting, you can simply list the name of the step.

If you do not know your departments, you can run the UGA_KK_TRANS_DEPTS query to identify them.

22. Step 22

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Enter the required information into the Add or Remove Approval Departments field.

23. Step 23

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You can enter a single department or a range.

Enter appropriate information into the 8-digit dept or range of departments field.

Example shown here: " 34000000 - 34999999 ".

24. Step 24

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In the approver level field, enter a list of levels, a range of levels or a request to match another user.

Enter appropriate information into the Approver Level  field.

Example shown here: " match mary smith (mes12345) " int the Approver Level field.

25. Step 25

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To add this approval level to the user, select the Add checkbox.

If you are removing levels, enter information for the existing approval level(s) and select the Remove checkbox.

Click the Add option.

26. Step 26

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If you have selected the CESS Approver role, open the CESS Values section to enter the CESS values for this request.

27. Step 27

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Click the CESS Code list.

28. Step 28

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Select the appropriate value

Click the College of Vet Med list item.

29. Step 29

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If needed, enter the correct Fleet VP Values.

30. Step 30

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Click the Fleet VP Code list.

31. Step 31

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Click the Sr VP for Academic Affairs & Provost list item.

32. Step 32

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You are now ready to submit the request.

33. Step 33

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The UGAmart Approval Page opens. In the top section you will see that an Access Request Number has been assigned. You can use this number on the Find an Existing Value page to review the approval status of the document, when needed.

The Approval Status is also shown.

34. Step 34

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When you scroll to the bottom of the page, you can see who is in the workflow to approve the request. Click the hyperlinks for more information about the approvers.

Additional Information:

If you are requesting the UGAmart Approver role, you will need to know the departments for which the employees can approve transactions, as well as the approval level dollar range (for example, All, $0-$999,999,998, $5,000-*, etc.).

If you are requesting the CESS Approver role, you will need to designate the Approving Unit Coordinator Group in the CESS values field. If you are requesting the UGAmart Approver role for Fleet VP purposes, you can also designate the appropriate WEX Fleet VP value.  

Tutorial Resources

Security Roles Spreadsheet