Creating an AP Journal Voucher


An AP Journal Voucher (JV) allows adjustments against vouchers, such as payment requests and POs from UGAMart. 

Information needed to complete the AP JV can be gathered using the following sources:

  • Purchase Order Vouchers: You can use the UGA_AP_UGAMART_VOUCHER query to collect needed data.
  • Payment Request Vouchers: The query UGA_AP_PR_DETAIL_LOOKUP can be used to collect the data needed.
  • TA Direct Bill Vouchers: You can use the UGA_AP_TA_VCHR query and search the TA number for the description prompt.  

Note: Vouchers posted to the General Ledger will have a GL journal starting with "AP." The Voucher ID will be located in the reference colulmn on these journal lines.

AP vouchers (including JVs) require a unique invoice number.  Add "JV" to the end of the original invoice number being corrected to create a unique number.  For example, if the original invoice number is 1234, the Journal Voucher invoice number would be 1234JV.  JVs correcting another voucher would be designated with a number after JV (e.g. 1234JV2 for a second correction, 1234JV3 for a third, etc). 

If you are doing an AP JV for a previously posted AP JV, the system will not let you do two AP JVs with the same invoice number. You will need to add JV, JV1, A, B, or some other character at the end of the original invoice number to distinguish the AP JVs.

For JVs regarding restricted accounts, a Cost Transfer Justification form should be attached for SPA approval. The form and additional information on Costs Transfers can be found in the Finance & Administration Policy Library HERE.

AP Journal Vouchers must be budget checked and all the way through the approval process to Accounts Payable by noon on the last business day of the month or they will be deleted. Initiators will need to create new JVs in the next month for any that are deleted.

In this article, you will the steps to create an AP Journal Voucher (AP JV) in the UGA Financial Management System.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.

On the UGA Financials page, click the Accounts Payable tile.

2. Step 2

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The Payables page is displayed.

Click the My Vouchers link.

3. Step 3

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The My Vouchers submenu is displayed.

Click Add/View Vouchers.

4. Step 4

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To hide the menu bar, click the Collapse Menu button.

5. Step 5

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The Voucher page is displayed. This page allows you to add a new voucher. 

6. Step 6

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The Business Unit field will default to 18000. It should not be changed. Leave as displayed. 

7. Step 7

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The Voucher ID field will default to NEXT. It should not be changed. Leave as displayed. 

8. Step 8

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The Voucher Style dropdown list allows you to choose the appropriate type of voucher for creation.

Click the Voucher Style dropdown list.

9. Step 9

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A list of voucher types are displayed.

Click Journal Voucher.

10. Step 10

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To find the Supplier Name, click the lookup magnifying glass next to the Supplier Name field.

Note: Alternately, you can begin typing the name of the supplier in the field and possible matches will be displayed.

11. Step 11

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The Look Up Supplier Name window is displayed.

This window allows you to search for a supplier using multiple criteria. You can also adjust the search operator (for example, from begins with to contains ) to help narrow down your results.  

Enter the appropriate supplier search criteria.

Example shown here: "4imprint" in the Supplier Name field.

12. Step 12

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With appropriate search criteria entered, click the Look Up button.

13. Step 13

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In the Search Results section, select the appropriate Supplier Name link.

Example shown here: 4IMPRINT .

14. Step 14

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The Short Supplier Name, Supplier ID and Supplier Location fields are automatically completed with the corresponding supplier information.

15. Step 15

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In the Invoice Number field, enter the invoice number from the original transaction followed by the letters JV

Note: A unique Invoice Number is required for each transaction.  Adding JV allows reference to the original transaction while indicating there is a correction being entered.

Example shown here: "74589JV" .

16. Step 16

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In the Invoice Date field, enter the invoice date from the original invoice.

Note: You can click the calendar icon to select the invoice date from the calendar pop-up .

Example shown here: "09/12/2019" .

17. Step 17

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Click the Add button.

18. Step 18

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The Invoice Information tab is displayed. This page enables you to enter and view invoice information including invoice header information, non-merchandise charges, and voucher line and distribution information.

Use journal vouchers to correct accounting entries on paid AP transactions. Journal Vouchers should always net to zero and will include a debit line (where the charge should be moved to) and offsetting credit line (where the charge occurred on the original transaction).

19. Step 19

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Located near the top of the page, the Accounting Date field determines the accounting period in which this voucher is active.

Note: AP JVs must be budget-checked and have workflow completed by noon on the last business day of the same accounting period (month). If the month ends before submitting the voucher, it will be deleted by AP and a new journal voucher must be created in the new accounting period (month).

20. Step 20

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Use the Attachments (0) link to locate the appropriate file(s) for attachment to the voucher.

Note: For restricted accounts, the Cost Transfer Justification form should be attached for SPA approval. 

21. Step 21

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In the Related Voucher field, enter the Original Voucher Number of the transaction that is being corrected.  

Example shown here: "10001524" .

22. Step 22

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The Description field allows you to justify and/or explain why the original transaction is being changed. Keep in mind that the Description field should describe the invoice line you are adding to the Journal Voucher.

Enter the reason for the correction in the Description field.

Example shown here: "To change the account code" .

23. Step 23

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To locate the Accounting Tag, click the lookup magnifying glass to the right of the Accounting Tag field, or simply start typing the name of the Accounting Tag in the field.

Note: An Accounting Tag is an up to ten character "short cut" for populating a full ChartField distribution. The Accounting Tag will populate the Accounting Details if you have set up an Accounting Tag for a specific amount. 

24. Step 24

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In the Distribution Lines section, the first row is the chartstring information the Journal Voucher is correcting. The first row will have a negative (credit) amount posted to the original chartstring.

25. Step 25

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The merchandise amount is the total dollar amount being offset from the original voucher.

Example shown here: "-100" in the Merchandise Amt field.

26. Step 26

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Leave the Quantity field blank. This field is not needed.

27. Step 27

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Beginning with the Account field, you will need to enter the full chartstring information from the original voucher.

Enter the Account Code used on the original voucher in the Account field.

Example shown here: " 714100" .

28. Step 28

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Budget Reference is the fiscal year that should be charged for the expense. The UGA Fiscal Year is July 1- June 30 of the following year. A JV can only be entered on transactions for the current fiscal year.

Enter the current fiscal year information in the Bud Ref field.  

Example shown here: "2024".

29. Step 29

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Enter the appropriate Fund ID information in the Fund field.   

Example shown here: "10500".

30. Step 30

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Enter the appropriate Program ID information into the Program field.  

Example shown here: "11140 ".

31. Step 31

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Enter the appropriate Dept ID information into the Dept field.

Example shown here:  "10002000 ".

32. Step 32

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Enter appropriate Class ID information into the Class field.  

Example shown here: "11800 ".

33. Step 33

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Continue filling out the ChartFields that are needed in the first row.

Note: Due to the State's Continuous Audit reporting requirements, if a travel related Account Code for direct billed Travel (6xxxxx range) is used, then you will be prompted to enter the EMPL ID in the OpenItem filed on the far right of the chartstring lines. 

34. Step 34

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The wrongly charged account has been credited by the chartstring in the first distribution line.  Another distribution line must be added to associate the original transaction with the correct account.

To add a distribution row, click the Add a new row [+] button.

35. Step 35

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The Add a row pop-up window opens in the top left corner of the page asking the number of rows you would like to add. The number of rows should match the number of rows in the original transaction that need to be changed.

Enter the number of rows to add and click the OK button.  

Example shown here: "1".

36. Step 36

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A new row will be added with the corresponding debit (positive number) in the Merchandise Amt field.

37. Step 37

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The Quantity field is not needed for a JV. Leave it blank . 

38. Step 38

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You must enter the correct(ed) chartstring information in the second distribution line. This is the new chartstring information to be associated with the transaction. In the Account field, enter a valid value based on the needed correction.   

Example shown here: the account associated with the original transaction needs correcting, so enter " 714103 ".

39. Step 39

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Enter a valid value based on transaction information into the Bud Ref field. 

Example shown here: "2024 ".

40. Step 40

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Enter the correct Fund ID into the Fund field.  

Example shown here: "10500 ".

41. Step 41

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Enter the corresponding information into the Program field.  

Example shown here "11140 ".

42. Step 42

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Enter the appropriate information into the Dept field based on the correct(ed) transaction.  

Example shown here: "10002000 ".

43. Step 43

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Enter the appropriate information into the Class field.  

Example shown here: " 11800 ".

44. Step 44

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Check the added Distribution Lines for accuracy, then click the Save button.

45. Step 45

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The voucher is saved, and a Voucher ID is assigned.

46. Step 46

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The Distribution Lines section is compressed and only shows the last line in the voucher. To review all the lines, click the View All link. 

47. Step 47

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Click the Action drop-down menu next to the Run button.

48. Step 48

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Click the Budget Checking option.

49. Step 49

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Click the Run button to perform the budget check.

50. Step 50

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Click the Yes button to confirm running the selected action.

51. Step 51

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After the selected action is run, the Submit Approval button will display.

Click the Submit Approval button to submit the Journal Voucher.

52. Step 52

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The Approval Comments window is displayed. You can enter any comments or justifications in the Additional Details field.  

53. Step 53

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Click the OK button.

54. Step 54

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The Approval Summary tab is displayed with a list of Approval Pools.

Click the Multiple Approvers link to view the list of Spend Approvers.

55. Step 55

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A list of Spend Approvers is displayed.

Click the Close button.

56. Step 56

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Click the Left Scroll button to display the Summary tab.

57. Step 57

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Click the Summary tab.

58. Step 58

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The summary of your Journal Voucher is displayed. 

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