You can update the per diem types and amounts charged per cage card.
In this article, you will learn the steps to update a cost center in the Animal Operations Portal.
First, log into Animal Operations Portal home page.
On the Animal Operations Portal homepage, click the Cage Cards link.
The Cage Cards page is displayed.
Click the Filter drop down list to filter the results.
You can select a Filter from the drop down list to narrow the cage cards displayed.
Example shown here: PI .
Enter your search criteria into the search box.
Example shown here: " Lathrop " PI last name
Click the Go button.
The filtered results are displayed.
Click the Update Cost Center button.
Select the appropriate cage card(s) from the list provided by clicking the check box next to each cage card ID.
Example shown here: cage card C00116830 .
Once a cage card is selected, the Per Diem field becomes editable. Enter appropriate information into the Enter per diem field.
Example shown here: " mouse " Enter per diem field.
Select the appropriate option from the list provided.
Examle show here: Mouse Cage-Sterile(STNR) (LSAR) - $1.24 .
When you have finished updating the cost center for the appropriate cage cards, click the Submit button.
Note: You may need to scroll up the page.