The Office of Institutional Research maintains a list of available queries and reports that can be used in several of the University's systems. This includes the UGA Financial Management System, UGA Budget Management System, and the Data Warehouse.
In this article, you will learn the steps to naviagate to the page and explore the available reports.
To navigate to the Office of Institutional Research's reports page, enter in your browser's url bar.
The Central Authentication Service login page is displayed.
With your UGA MyID and password in the Username and Password fields, click the LOGIN button.
The Available Reports page is displayed. The data visualization at the top of the page shows the number of available reports by Area of Functionality.
You can click on any of the data bars to generate a list of reports by functional area.
Example shown here: General Ledger data bar.
The Bar Report Records tab is displayed.
The Bar Report Records will display the Name, Functional Description, Technical Name, User Role, and Platform based on the Area of Functionality selected. You can search and add filters as appropriate.
Click the Close [X] button.
In the Search Available Report section, you can use the Keyword Search function or hit Ctl+F to search. You can also narrow your search by entering the appropriate information in the Name, Functional Description, Technical Name, User Role, Platform, and Area of Functionality search fields.
At the bottom of the Search Available Reports section, based on User Role, you can view Public, Central, or Shared reports.
Drop-down menus provided the ability to filter data by related criteria.
Click the Area of Functionality drop-down list.
The Area of Functionality drop-down list is displayed.
The drop-down list provides the available functional areas that can be used to filter search results.
Select the appropriate criteria.
Example shown here: Travel list item.
You can refine your selection further by adding additional filters.
Click the Platform drop-down menu.
The Platform drop-down menu is displayed with the list of available software platforms.
Select the appropriate platform.
Example shown here: UGA Financial Management Query link.
Once all appropriate filters are selected,
click the Search button.
The search results are displayed based on the selected filters.