Setting the Parameters to Customize the Data View in the BSR v2.x


The Budget Status Report v2.x allows you to customize your view of the data in several ways. Not only can you select preconfigured reports, such as the Budget Status by Department, Fund, and Account, but you can also use filters to add or remove the data seen in the view. You also have the ability to drill into the displayed money values to view transaction data.


  1. Step 1: The Summary by Department, Fund, and Account tab is the first tab that you see after accessing the Budget Status Report. To set the Department filter, click the Department dropdown list.
  2. Step 2: The list of departments is displayed. Select the appropriate department(s).
  3. Step 3: If you wish to exclude the existing department filter(s) for running the report, deselect the existing department filter(s).
  4. Step 4: Click the Department filter dropdown button again to close the menu.
  5. Step 5: Continue to modify the existing filters. To set the Budget Reference filter, click the Budget Ref Descr dropdown list.
  6. Step 6: Select the appropriate Budget Reference from the list.
  7. Step 7: To set the Fiscal Year filter, click the Fiscal Yr dropdown list.
  8. Step 8: Select the appropriate fiscal year from the list.
  9. Step 9: The data view on the left has been updated to match the filters that you have set. You can right click on the various pieces of data to bring up a pop-up window with additional information.
  10. Step 10: To go to the detail tab with your selected information, click the Go to Detail link.
  11. Step 11
    To expand the account tree to show the Level03 account codes, hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level02 header and click the Expand [+] button.
  12. Step 12: To expand out to the Level04 account codes, hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level03 header and click the Expand [+] button.
  13. Step 13: If you wish to view additional details about a money value, hover over the cell. A floating window will show detailed information associated with the value, such as Fund and Account codes.
  14. Step 14: You can also view the transaction list for the selected money value. Click the Go to Transaction List link.
  15. Step 15: The Transaction List associated with the selected money value is displayed. On this page, you can sort the data by selecting different filters.
  16. Step 16: Click the title of the selected column for sorting the data.
  17. Step 17: The selected column is a light blue color. In addition, a pop-up window is displayed. You can keep only the selected column or exclude the selected column.
  18. Step 18: The selected column has been removed from the data view. Continue to select columns and apply either the Keep Only or Exclude option.
  19. Step 19: The selected column is a light blue color. From the pop-up window, you can choose to keep only the selected column or exclude the selected column.
  20. Step 20Scroll to the bottom to see the Grand Total line.

In this article, you willl learn the steps to set the parameters for running the Budget Status Report and to customize the data view.

This article uses the Budget Status by Department, Fund, and Account view.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Budget Management System

The Summary by Department, Fund, and Account tab is the first tab that you see after accessing the Budget Status Report.

From this page, you can set your filter parameters for the rest of the report.

To set the Department filter, click the Department dropdown list.

2. Step 2

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The list of departments is displayed. Select the appropriate department(s).  

Example shown here: Department " 14023456 ".

3. Step 3

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If you wish to exclude the existing department filter(s) for running the report, deselect the existing department filter(s).

Example shown here: deselect " 14012345 ".

4. Step 4

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Click the Department filter dropdown button again to close the menu.

5. Step 5

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Continue to modify the existing filters.

To set the Budget Reference filter, click the Budget Ref Descr dropdown list.

6. Step 6

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Select the appropriate Budget Reference from the list.  

Example shown here: " 2019 ".

7. Step 7

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To set the Fiscal Year filter, click the Fiscal Yr dropdown list.

8. Step 8

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Select the appropriate fiscal year from the list.

Note : The Bud Ref and the Fiscal Year should be the same.  

Example shown here: " 2019 ".

9. Step 9

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The data view on the left has been updated to match the filters that you have set.

You can right click on the various pieces of data to bring up a pop-up window with additional information.  

Example shown here: Personal Services Expense row 

10. Step 10

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A floating window shows options for viewing the data. You can keep the selected line only or exclude the selected line. In addition, you can navigate to the detail tab or go to the transaction list for the selected row.

To go to the detail tab with your selected information, click the Go to Detail link.

11. Step 11

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Detailed information about the selected row is displayed.

To expand the account tree to show the Level03 account codes, hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level02 header and click the Expand [+] button.

12. Step 12

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Continue to expand out to the lower level account codes.

To expand out to the Level04 account codes, hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level03 header and click the Expand [+] button.

13. Step 13

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If you wish to view additional details about a money value, hover over the cell. A floating window will show detailed information associated with the value, such as Fund and Account codes.

Example shown here: " $9,215.18 " on the 522100 - Salaries-Staff line was selected. You can review detailed information in the window.

14. Step 14

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You can also view the transaction list for the selected money value.

Click the Go to Transaction List link.

15. Step 15

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The Transaction List associated with the selected money value is displayed. On this page, you can sort the data by selecting different filters.  

Example shown here: Sort button on the Estimated Revenue column.

16. Step 16

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Click the title of the selected column for sorting the data.

Example shown here: Estimated Revenue column title.

17. Step 17

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The selected column is a light blue color. In addition, a pop-up window is displayed. You can keep only the selected column or exclude the selected column.

Example shown here: Exclude option.

18. Step 18

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The selected column has been removed from the data view.

Continue to select columns and apply either the Keep Only or Exclude option.

Example shown here: Recognized Revenue column title.

19. Step 19

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The selected column is a light blue color. From the pop-up window, you can choose to keep only the selected column or exclude the selected column.

Example shown here: Exclude option.

20. Step 20

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Scroll to the bottom to see the Grand Total line.