Customizing the Data View by Account Trees in the BSR 2.x


When viewing the BSR 2.x, you have the ability to adjust the account level view.  You can expand or contract the account trees to view more or less detailed account code information.


  1. Step 1: Hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level02 header and click the Expand [+] button.
  2. Step 2: Hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level03 header and click the Expand [+] button.
  3. Step 3: Hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level03 header and click the Close [-] button.
  4. Step 4: Hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level02 header and click the Close [-] button.
  5. Step 5: Data on the account tree level(s) that you wish to view is displayed. 

In this article, you will learn the steps to customize the data view by expanding or closing the account tree(s) in the Budget Status Report 2.x.

To access the Budget Status Report, use the following navigation:

UGA Office of Institutional Research homepage ( ) > Operational Reports > Budget Status line (under Financials tab) > Budget Status Report (any 2.x version)

Note: You will need to enter your UGA MyID and password to access the Budget Status Report.  

1. Step 1

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First log into the UGA Office of Institutional Research homepage.

When you open a Budget Status Report, the Summary tab is displayed.

On this page, you can expand the account trees to view lower, more detailed levels of accounts and close the expanded account trees to customize the data view.

The data is displayed using UGAAACTTREE Level02.

To expand the account tree to show the Level03 account codes for further detailed information, hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level02 header and click the Expand [+] button.

2. Step 2

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The Account Tree Level03 is displayed. Continue to expand the account tree to reveal the lower level account codes.

Hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level03 header and click the Expand [+] button.

3. Step 3

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The Account Tree Level04 is displayed.

To remove the Account Tree Level04 from the data view, hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level03 header and click the Close [-] button.

4. Step 4

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Continue to close the lower level account codes.

Hover over the UGAACCTTREE Level02 header and click the Close [-] button.

5. Step 5

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Data on the account tree level(s) that you wish to view is displayed.