A Principal Investigator would follow this process to submit an order for animals. The number of animals allowed is determined by the amount approved by the AUP.
This article will walk you through the steps to create an order as a Principal Investigator.
First, log into the Animal Operations Portal.
On the Animal Operations Portal homepage, click the IACUC link.
The IACUC page is displayed.
Click the appropriate Animal Use Protocol (AUP) with which you will place a new order from the list.
Example shown here: ANOPS Training AUP link.
To start a new order, click the Create New Order button.
You start be entering in the financial information for the transaction.
Select a business manager who will handle the financial aspects of the order.
Click the Business Manager list.
Select the appropriate Business Manager from the list.
Example shown here: Henry Fjord .
Select the animal user.
Click the Animal User list.
Select the appropriate Animal User from the list.
Example shown here: Danny Fossey .
To select a preferred method of payment, click the Procurement Payment Method list.
Note: You can also select from the Chart Strings added in the researcher profile.
Select the appropriate payment method.
Example shown here: Chart String .
A table is displayed with the Chart Strings saved in the researcher profile.
Select the appropriate Chart String.
Example shown here: Sample ChartString 1 option.
To select a preferred method of payment for any per diems, click the Per Diem Payment Method list.
Example shown here: Chart String.
Select the appropriate Chart String by clicking in the field.
Example shown here: Sample ChartString 2 option.
Click the Continue button to proceed to the next step.
The Order Line Items page is displayed.
The first table shows the number of animals approved by the AUP. When you submit an order, there will be a deduction from this number.
To add an animal to the line order, click the Add button.
The Create a New Line Item page is displayed. Select the animal group you would like to order.
Example shown here: Mouse.
To help the vendor determine the correct animals to send, enter the appropriate information into the Vendor Stock Number field.
Example shown here: "1234".
Enter how many animals you would like to order into the Number Requested field.
Example shown here: "100".
To select the sex of the animals you would like to order, click the Animal Sex list.
Select the animal sex preference.
Example shown here: Male .
You can enhance your order by specifying an age and weight range.
To establish a minimum age for the animals ordered, enter appropriate information into the Min Age field.
Example shown here: "2".
To select the type of measurement for the value provided in the Min Age field, click the Units drop-down list.
Select the appropriate measurement unit from the list.
Example shown here: Months .
You can also enter Max Age and Min/Max Weight.
To request a location to house the ordered animals, click the [...] button next to the Requested Housing Location field to browse.
Note: This location will be directed to a supervisor for approval.
Use the search features at the top of the window to search for the appropriate location.
Select the appropriate location.
Example shown here: ADS Small Animal / 01 location.
With the location selected, click the OK button.
To save your order details, click the OK button.
The line order item(s) is added to and displayed within the second table.
To move on to vendor selection, click the Continue button.
The Select Vendor page is displayed.
To select the Requested Date of delivery, click the Calendar icon.
Select the appropriate date from the calendar.
Example shown here: click December 21, 2018 .
Select the appropriate vendor from the list.
If your vendor is not listed, click in the No field above.
Example shown here: Carolina Biological .
With your requested delivery date and vendor selected, click the Continue button.
The Order Summary page is displayed. Be sure to review the order for accuracy.
Once you have reviewed the order, click the Save Draft button.
A draft of your order is displayed. This draft includes the information about selected vendor, line items, and financial details.
When you are ready to submit the order, click the Submit link.
Enter comments into the Comments on Submission field if needed.
Click the OK button to move the order into the approval workflow.
The order page is displayed and the status is updated to Financial approval.