Entering Time for a Pay from Schedule Employee as a Time & Absence Approver


Supervisors and Time & Absence Approvers can enter time for their "Pay From Schedule" employees in OneUSG Connect. Once Supervisors and Time & Absence Approvers have selected the appropriate employee and time reporting code, they can enter the total number of hours worked in the available field for each day on the employee's timesheet.

In this article, you will learn the steps to enter time for a "Pay from Schedule" employee in OneUSG Connect as a Time Approver.

1. Step 1

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First, log into One USG Connect.

From the Time Approver Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Team Time tile.

2. Step 2

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The Team Time Page is displayed with options to search for the appropriate employee you need to approve time.

Example shown here: click the Filter button.

3. Step 3

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The Filters menu is displayed.

Enter the appropriate information in the available search field(s).

Example shown here: "1801234" into the Employee ID field.

4. Step 4

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From the returned results, select the appropriate employee.

Example shown here: "Shay O'Neil" from the Employee ID field.

5. Step 5

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The Team Time page is displayed for the searched employee.

Choose the appropriate employee from the Name/Time field.

Example shown here: Shay O'Neil from the Name/Title field.

6. Step 6

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The Weekly Timesheet for the selected employee is displayed.

Use the appropriate arrow to navigate between pay periods.

Example shown here: click the [>] next period arrow.

7. Step 7

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The selected pay period is displayed.

If necessary, use the appropriate arrow in the Week field to select the correct week in the pay period.

8. Step 8

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Enter hours the employee worked in the appropriate field.  

Example shown here: enter "8.00" into the 8 - Monday field.

9. Step 9

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Continue entering time in the appropriate fields.

10. Step 10

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With all time entered in the appropriate field(s), click the Submit button.

Note: If you do not click the submit button, your entries on the timesheet will not save.

11. Step 11

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The entered time is displayed with the Needs Approval Reported Status in the Manage Approvals section.

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