Creating a Budget Journal to Increase Expediture Budget (Expense Ledger - DEPT_CHILD)


Expenditure Budget increases and the corresponding Revenue Budget increases are recorded in separate Budget Journals through the Budget Journal pages. Theses Budget increases are typical for Departmental Sales and Service budgets (Funds 14xxx) and "Various" restricted budgets in Fund 20400.

The two journal and the procedures for entering each are very similar, with the main difference being the Ledger and the accounts that are included in the Journals. Revenue budgets are reflected in the DEPT_REV ledger group, and Expenditure budgets are reflected in the DEPT_CHILD ledger group. A Budget Journal can only contain a single ledger, so this is the reason for separate Revenue Budget and Expenditure Budget Journals.

Revenue Budget journals include the DEPT_REV ledger and can include only Revenue accounts. Revenue accounts always being with a 4. Expenditure Budget journals include the DEPT_CHILD ledger group and can include only Expense accounts. Expense accounts are accounts 500000 up to 999999.

Budget increases are always entered as positive numbers and budget decreases are always entered as negative numbers. This is true for both Revenue budget and Expenditure budget.

This document is meant to illustrate the mechanics for entering an Expenditure Budget Journal to the DEPT_CHILD ledger. Please refer to the document Guidelines for Budgeting Revenues and Expenditures by Fund for guidance related to the substance of the Budget Journals.


For this article, you will learn the steps to establish an Expense Budget Journal in the UGA Financial Management System to balance a newly established Revenue budget.

Note: The Revenue and Expense sides of this are entered in separate transactions. Budgeted Revenues are entered to the DEPT_REV ledger group and Budgeted Expenses are entered to the DEPT_CHILD ledger group. A Budget Journal can only have one Ledger Group.

1. Step 1

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First, log into UGA Financial Management Systems

From the Employee Self Service page in UGA Financials, click the General Ledger tile.

2. Step 2

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To access the Enter Budget Journals page, follow this navigation in the left side menu:

Commitment Control > Enter Journal Budget Journals

Click the Enter Budget Journal link.

3. Step 3

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Click the Collapse Menu button to create a larger workspace.

4. Step 4

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To start the journal, click the Add a New Value tab.

5. Step 5

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The Business Unit should default to 18000. If not, enter the business unit for the transaction.

6. Step 6

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The system will automatically assign the next Journal ID number when the transaction is saved. Do not change the default or type anything in this field.

7. Step 7

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The Journal Date defaults to the current date. This date determines the month (accounting period) and budget year in which the transaction will be posted. You can change the default entry, if needed.

Note: You can enter the date in the Journal Date field or select the date by clicking the calendar icon next to the Journal Date field.

8. Step 8

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Click the Add button.

9. Step 9

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The Budget Header page is displayed with the values you entered on the previous page. Use this page to specify the business unit, journal ID, journal date, ledger group, budget entry type, and currency.

Note : If the date on the Journal is outside the range of open months, a warning message will be displayed.

10. Step 10

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DEPT_CHILD is the Ledger Group to which an Expense budget journal will be posted.

If not selected by default, click the Ledger Group look-up magnifying glass.

11. Step 11

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The Look Up Ledger Group is displayed. The only ledgers to use for Commitment Control transactions are DEPT_CHILD for expenses and DEPT_ REV for revenue.

Select the appropriate ledger.

Example shown here: Click the DEPT_CHILD list item.

12. Step 12

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Budget Journals submitted by Departments and Units will all be Adjustments. Only the Central Offices will work with Original budgets.

Click the Budget Entry Type dropdown list.

13. Step 13

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Click the Adjustment option.

14. Step 14

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The Generate Parent Budget(s) option is selected by default and will create an entry in the parent control budget.

15. Step 15

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To indicate this is an adjustment to the Parent Budget, click the Parent Budget Entry Type drop-down list.

16. Step 16

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Click the Adjustment option.

17. Step 17

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Use the Attachments link to upload any attachments that give additional information or justification for this request.

18. Step 18

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The Long Description field is used to provide an explanation of the change to approvers.

Enter the appropriate information into the Long Description field.

19. Step 19

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You have completed entry on the budget journal header.

Note: You can use the Save function at any time.

Click the Budget Lines tab.

20. Step 20

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The Budget Lines page is displayed. This page is used to enter the ChartFields and amounts related to the budget journal entry.

After you complete the Budget Header and Budget Lines, this page may be used to request budget journal processing.

21. Step 21

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If you have a SpeedType, you can enter it or use the search features to find the appropriate value.

Note: A SpeedType cannot be relied upon to be a complete set of ChartFields. You should always review the ChartFields to be sure they are correct.

For all journal transactions, the ChartFields that are required are Fund, Class, Program, Department, Account and Budget Reference.

Example shown here: You will key in the ChartFields manually.

22. Step 22

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All budget transactions require an account code.

Enter the appropriate information into the Account field.

Example shown here: Enter "703000" into the Account field.

23. Step 23

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Enter the appropriate information into the Oper Unit field, if applicable.

24. Step 24

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The Fund ChartField should be in all transactions.

Enter the appropriate information into the Fund field.

Example shown here: Enter "10000" into the Fund field.

25. Step 25

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Enter the appropriate information into the Dept field.  

Example shown here: Enter "16001001" into the Dept field.

26. Step 26

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Enter the appropriate information into the Program field. 

Example shown here: Enter "16400" into the Program field.

27. Step 27

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Enter the appropriate information into the Class field.  

Example shown here: Enter "11200" into the Class field.

28. Step 28

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Enter the appropriate information into the Bud Ref field.   

Example shown here: Enter "2024" into the Bud Ref field.

29. Step 29

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Enter the appropriate information into the ChartField 1 field, if applicable.   

30. Step 30

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Amounts for budget journals should be entered as whole dollars.

Enter the appropriate total into the Amount field.

31. Step 31

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Click the Save button.

32. Step 32

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To check the chartstring validity, click the Process drop-down menu.

33. Step 33

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The Edit ChartFields process checks for the validity of ChartFields on each line. It also checks for valid combinations of ChartFields.

Click the Edit Chartfields option.

34. Step 34

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Click the Process button.

35. Step 35

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Once the chartstring is verified, you need to do a budget pre-check to make sure that funds are available.

Click the Process dropdown list.

36. Step 36

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Click the Budget Pre-Check option.

37. Step 37

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Click the Process button.

38. Step 38

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A pop-up message appears asking if you want to budget check without posting results.

Click the Yes button.

39. Step 39

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The Budget Header Status should say Checked Only. If it says error, you need to check your budget to find the error by clicking on the Budget Errors tab.

40. Step 40

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If no errors are present, you are ready to submit the journal for approval.

Click the Process dropdown list.

41. Step 41

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Now you are ready to submit the journal for approval.

Click the Submit Journal option.

42. Step 42

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When you select Submit Journal, it turns on the Submit for Approval checkbox.  

43. Step 43

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Click the Process button.

44. Step 44

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Once the budget journal is submitted, the Approval Header Status should say Pending.

Click the Pending link.

45. Step 45

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The Approval Flow pop-up is displayed along with the pools that must approve the journal.

To view the individuals in an approval pool, click the Multiple Approvers link.

46. Step 46

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The list of approvers in the pool is listed. This is useful if the approval is "stuck" and you need to contact someone to move it along.

Click the Close button to close the list.

47. Step 47

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Note: The first level of approval is pending which means that they have received notification, but no one has approved.

48. Step 48

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The second level indicates that the approval has not been routed to this pool. It will be routed when someone in the first pool approves.

Once someone in the pool approves, the status will be Approved.

49. Step 49

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Click the Return button.