Use the Position Funding Change page to check on the approval status of a position funding change. You can also see if the change has been completely processed in the system.
Associated SOPs
SOP_POS_001 Position Funding
In this article, you will learn how to check the status of a funding change request.
First, log into OneUSG Connect.
Click the NavBar button at the top right corner of the Employee Self Service page.
Click the Menu button.
Click the Manager Self Service menu.
Click the Position and Funding link.
Click the View/Approve Position Funding link.
The Funding Distribution Change page is displayed.
You can enter one or more search criteria to find the position you want to view.
Enter the appropriate information into the Set ID field.
Example shown here:" 18000 " to indicate the position is at UGA.
Enter the appropriate information into the Department field.
Example shown here: " H100 ".
Select the appropriate Department.
Example shown here: department H1000206 .
After entering the appropriate search criteria, click the Search button.
Search Results that match the criteria entered are displayed.
The approval status for each position funding change is displayed.
Note : There are three designations for a funding change: Approved, Pending, and Denied.
The Funding Change Complete status for each position is displayed. This column will tell you if the request has been processed in the system.
In order to view detailed information about the funding change, click the appropriate Position Number.
Example shown here: 11821634 link.
Scroll down to view the workflow for the funding change request.
You can view the comments added for this position across the approval process.
Note: It is optional to add comments.
To view comments for the position funding change, click the Expand button next to Comments.
The Comments section is displayed.
You can view all comments added to the position funding change for this position.
Additional Informtaion:
An automated job processes approved and denied position funding changes. This batch job runs each day at 5:00am, 9:00am, 1:00pm, and 5:00pm to post position funding changes to the Department Budget Table in Commitment Accounting. Only one funding change request can be 'in process' at a time for a position (whether the funding request was approved or denied).
To determine whether or not a transaction has been processed, go to Manager Self Service > Position and Funding > Position Funding Change and key in the transaction number or the set ID and position number. If the transaction has been processed, the Funding Change Complete check box at the top of the page will be checked.