Creating a Researcher Profile


The ANOPS Portal can be used to set up a researcher profile. The profile lists the researcher's lab contacts, business manager, and associated chart string (financial) information.


  1. Step 1: At the login screen, enter your credentials in the User Name and Password fields.
  2. Step 2: The Animal Operations Portal home page is displayed.
  3. Step 3: The Researcher Profiles page is displayed.
  4. Step 4: The selected account's profile is displayed.
  5. Step 5: To edit the selected profile, click the Edit Researcher Profile... link.
  6. Step 6: Lab contacts are the people to contact should any issue arise in the lab.
  7. Step 7: A search results list will appear below the Lab Contacts field.
  8. Step 8: Enter the employee name into the Business Managers field to search.
  9. Step 9: A search results list will appear below the Business Managers field.
  10. Step 10: To review the saved Chart Strings, click the Continue button.
  11. Step 11: The Saved Chart Strings page is displayed.
  12. Step 12: To add a chart string to the profile, click the Add button.
  13. Step 13: Enter an identifying name for the Chart String into the Descriptive Name field.
  14. Step 14: Click the [...] button next to the Account field to browse.
  15. Step 15: Search for the appropriate GL Account Code.
  16. Step 16: Once located, click the button next to the appropriate GL Account Code to select it.
  17. Step 17: With the GL Account Code selected, click the OK button.
  18. Step 18: Search for a Project ID for the chart string.
  19. Step 19: Use the search features at the top of the page to search for the appropriate Project ID.
  20. Step 20: Once located, click the button next to the appropriate Project ID.
  21. Step 21: With the Project ID selected, click the OK button.
  22. Step 22: Select the rest of the chartfields by clicking the  [...]  button next to each field.
  23. Step 23: The Budget Reference is the current Fiscal Year.
  24. Step 24: Select the Budget Reference year by clicking the appropriate option in the Budget Ref field.
  25. Step 25: To save your selection, click the OK button.
  26. Step 26: Select an Activity Code.
  27. Step 27: To save the changes to the profile, click the Finish button.

In this article, you will learn the steps to to create a researcher profile in the Animal Operations Portal.

1. Step 1

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At the login screen, enter your credentials in the User Name and Password fields.

Click the Login button.

2. Step 2

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The Animal Operations Portal home page is displayed.

Click the Researcher Profiles link.

3. Step 3

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The Researcher Profiles page is displayed. To view a profile, select the appropriate name from the list.

Example shown here: click the Account 16's Profile link.

4. Step 4

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The selected account's profile is displayed. The profile displays the contact information for lab contacts, business managers, and any saved chart strings.

Example shown here: the profile does not contain any points of contact or saved Chart Strings.

5. Step 5

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To edit the selected profile, click the Edit Researcher Profile... link.

6. Step 6

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Lab contacts are the people to contact should any issue arise in the lab.

To add/update a lab contact, enter search criteria (such as last name) into the Lab Contacts field.  

Example shown here: enter "Brown".

7. Step 7

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A search results list will appear below the Lab Contacts field. Select the appropriate person from the list.

Example shown here: click Emmett Brown's name.

8. Step 8

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Business managers are the employees who are fiscally responsible for the research protocols and animals.

To add/update a business manager, enter the employee name into the Business Managers field to search.  

Example shown here: enter "Tannen".

9. Step 9

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A search results list will appear below the Business Managers field. Select the appropriate person from the list.

Example shown here: click Biff Tannen's name.

10. Step 10

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To review the saved Chart Strings, click the Continue button.

11. Step 11

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The Saved Chart Strings page is displayed. For more information on chart strings, refer to the Chart of Accounts resources page on the OneSource page ( ).

12. Step 12

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To add a chart string to the profile, click the Add button.

13. Step 13

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Enter an identifying name for the Chart String into the Descriptive Name field.  

Example shown here: enter "Test Chart String".

14. Step 14

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To search for a GL Account Code for the chart string, click the  [...]  button next to the Account field to browse.

15. Step 15

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Use the search features at the top of the window to search for the appropriate GL Account Code.

Note: Information has been masked for security purposes.

16. Step 16

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Once located, click the button next to the appropriate GL Account Code to select it.

Example shown here: click the 118500 option.

17. Step 17

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With the GL Account Code selected, click the OK button.

18. Step 18

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To search for a Project ID for the chart string, click the  [...] button next to the Project field to browse.

19. Step 19

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Use the search features at the top of the page to search for the appropriate Project ID.

Note: Information has been masked for security purposes.

20. Step 20

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Once located, click the button next to the appropriate Project ID.

Example shown here: click the first Project to select it.

21. Step 21

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With the Project ID selected, click the OK button.

22. Step 22

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Select the rest of the chartfields by clicking the [...] button next to each field.

23. Step 23

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The Budget Reference is the current Fiscal Year.

To select the Budget Reference, click the [...] button next to the Budget Reference field to browse.

24. Step 24

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Select the Budget Reference year by clicking the appropriate option in the Budget Ref field.

Note: The Budget Reference (Fiscal Year) runs from July 1 to June 30 and is named by closing date. For example, the 2019 Bud Ref is active from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

Example shown here: click the 2018 option.

25. Step 25

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To save your selection, click the OK button.

26. Step 26

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Select an Activity Code.

To save your chart string, click the OK button.

27. Step 27

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To save the changes to the profile, click the Finish button.

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