Running the Bud Jrnl Workflow - Approvals in Process Query


Use the UGA_KK_JRNL_WORKFLOW_PENDING query to review the budget journals for your department or unit that are in the process between submission and final approval. This will help you monitor the journals that need attention.

You can also access this query using Query Viewer, accessed from the tile on the UGA Financials homepage.

In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query in the Business Management Workcenter to view budget journals in the approval process.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System

Click the Classic Home tile.

2. Step 2

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To navigate to the Business Management Workcenter, select:

Main Menu > UGA > Business Management Workcenter

3. Step 3

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Click the Reports/Queries tab.

4. Step 4

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In the Budget Journals section, click the  Workflow - Approvals in Process link.

5. Step 5

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Click the Minimize Business Management Workcenter button to close the menu to the left.

6. Step 6

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The parameters for the

"UGA_KK_JRNL_WORKFLOW_PENDING query are displayed.

The search uses Department ID. You can search using an entire ID number, or you can search for departments using a partial ID number by inserting a % sign as a wildcard. For example, 17% would return all departments starting with 17.

Leave only the % sign in the field if you want to view all departments.

Example shown here: " 17% " in the Dept field.

7. Step 7

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Click the View Results button to run the query.

8. Step 8

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The results of the query are displayed and list the budget journals that are still pending approval.

Columns on the report show the person who entered the budget journal, the Journal ID and associated description, the date the journal was entered and the approval status.

Note : Data has been masked to protect employee information.

9. Step 9

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Hyperlinks in the query results can link to original documents or pages in view-only mode to give more information. Click on the Journal ID link to see the original journal.

Example shown here: 1000002107 link.

10. Step 10

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The Budget Header page is displayed. Review any information that is relevant.

Click the Budget Lines tab to find out more about the approval status.

11. Step 11

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The budget Lines tab is displayed for you to review any needed information.

Click the Pending link to see the approval workflow.

12. Step 12

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The Approval Flow page shows who has already approved the journal and who still needs to approve.

Click the Multiple link to see who is included in the pool.

13. Step 13

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Members of the approval pool are listed.

Click the Close button after your review.

14. Step 14

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Click the Return button to close the Approval Flow page.

15. Step 15

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Click the Close Tab button after your review is complete.

16. Step 16

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You can also skip reviewing the original journal and access information from the query results to tell you who has approved and see the next approver(s). You do this by clicking the Approval Status link on any line.

Example shown here: Pending link.

17. Step 17

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This displays results from another query that shows who has approved the journal and the person(s) next in line to approve.

Columns on the report show the Journal ID, the name of the person who entered the journal, and the date it was entered. For each line on the report it will show the approval status within each approval pool and the name of the approver.

18. Step 18

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Close the query results when you finish reviewing.

19. Step 19

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You can download data into an Excel spreadsheet for further analysis, if needed.

Click the Excel SpreadSheet link and follow the prompts to open as an Excel document.

20. Step 20

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Once the Excel spreadsheet opens, you can add filters to help you sort and view the information you need.

When you are finished, click the Close button.

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