Approving or Denying a Position Funding Change



Position funding transactions are approved or denied by the manager of the department that “owns” the position.  When positions are funded by more than one department, it is the responsibility of the initiator to add the manager of any additional departments as an ad hoc approver so that the approval will be routed correctly.

Note:  Approvers must enter any comments and add any ad hoc approvers before clicking the button to approve or deny.  Once you have submitted your approval decision, you will not be able to access the transaction to add the ad hoc approver or entry any comments.

The approver should review the funding changes for the position and fringes carefully to ensure that the proper combo codes are being used.  This will impact how the payroll is expensed in the UGA Financial Management System.

Position funding changes must be approved at all levels one business day prior to the Manager Absence/Time Approval date indicated on the UGA Practitioner Payroll Processing Schedule to be included on that payroll.


SOP_POS_001 Position Funding

In this article, you will learn how to approve or deny funding changes requested for a position.

1. Step 1

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In the Notifications panel, click to select the Request to Change Position Funding transaction you want to approve.

2. Step 2

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The information at the top of the page displays the position number, position description, fiscal year and HR department.  This section also contains the Report ID (sometimes referred to as the transaction ID) for the Change Position Funding request.

3. Step 3

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If the Processed field at the top of the page is checked it indicates that the request has been processed and the funding for the position updated.

4. Step 4

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The top right corner of the page will indicate how many effective dated position funding changes are a part of the transaction. A single position funding transaction may contain funding changes for multiple effective dates. Each effective date funding change should be reviewed.

If applicable, click the arrow icon to scroll between the different effective dated funding changes.

Example shown here: There is one funding change in this transaction.

5. Step 5

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The Current Incumbents, Pay Components, Additional Pay, and Earnings Distribution provide details related to the employee seated in the position as of the effective date listed.  If the position is vacant, the values in these fields will be blank.

6. Step 6

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The Distribution as of Change Effective Date section provides details on how the position is currently funded. This section contains three different tabs. The Current tab reflects how the position is currently funded.  The Fringe tab provides details as to whether or not the fringe benefits are redirected to a different funding source (combo code).  If this tab is blank, the fringe benefits will be expensed in the same manner as earnings.  The Chartfield Details tab provides the individual chart field values associated with the combo code.

7. Step 7

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The New Distribution section contains the position funding changes that need to be reviewed and either approved or denied.  This section contains three different tabs.  The Current tab reflects the proposed position funding as of the effective date.  The Fringe tab provides details as to whether or not the fringe benefits should be redirected to a different funding source (combo code).  If this tab is blank, the fringe benefits will be expensed in the same manner as earnings.  The Chartfield Details tab provides the individual chart field values associated with the combo code.

8. Step 8

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If there is supporting documentation for the transaction it will be attached in the File Attachment section and can be reviewed. After the transaction is reviewed, the reviewer can enter comments in the Add Comments box.  If you plan to deny the request, comments are needed so that the initiator will know the reason for denial and how to fix the transaction and re-submit if necessary.

Note:  Approvers must enter any comments and add any ad hoc approvers before clicking the button to Approve or Deny.  Once you have clicked the approve or deny button, you will not be able to access the transaction to add the ad hoc approver or entry any comments.

9. Step 9

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Click the expand icon to open the Comments section below the workflow information. 

10. Step 10

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The comments left by the transaction initiator and prior approvers are displayed.

11. Step 11

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If you need to add an ad hoc approver to the transaction workflow it must be done prior to clicking the Approve or Deny button.

To add an ad hoc approver to the transaction, click on the next available green Plus [+] sign in the workflow and then select the approver from the pop up window.

12. Step 12

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After reviewing each effective dated position funding change, click the appropriate button to Approve or Deny the transaction.

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