In the UGA Financial Management System, you can view the compensation history for an Employee ID and/or Department ID through a query (180_HR_COMP_HIST) on the System Manager Reporting Page, under Workforce Administration. The query displays Annual, Monthly, Daily, and Hourly Compensation Rates.
In this article, you will learn the steps to run a query to view compensation history for an employee or group of employees.
First, log into OneUSG Connect
From the Manager Self Service page, click the System Manager Reporting tile.
The System Manager Reporting page is displayed.
From the Queries menu on the left, click the Workforce Administration menu item to view available queries.
The available queries under the Workforce Administration category are displayed.
Click the Compensation Query Group link.
The available categories under the Compensation Query Group query are displayed.
Click the Compensation History link.
The search criteria for the query 180_HR_COMP_HIST (Compensation History) is displayed.
You can enter available information into the search fields to limit your results. The % wildcard will display all possible results for the query.
Example shonwn here: Open search, with no Employee ID or Department ID information entered. This will return all of the employees you can access to view.
Click the HR Status drop-down list.
Click the Active list item to only display active UGA employees.
To view the query results, click the View Results button.
The query results are displayed.
Click the Excel SpreadSheet link to open the results as an Excel file.
Depending on the web browser, you will be prompted to open the Excel file.
Click the Open button.
The Excel file is displayed. You can filter and sort through the columns to view the information you need. Scroll to the right to view additional columns.
Column K displays Annual Rate of compensation, Column M shows Compensation Frequency. You can also see the Hourly Rate and Monthly Rate. Scroll to the right to view additional information.
Additional information is displayed, including Hourly, Monthly, and Daily Rate for the employees. Column R shows the Annual Benefits Base.