Submitting a Change Position Funding Request


Manager Self Service (MSS) Change Position Funding is the method to designate funding for a new position or change funding on an existing position.

In this article, you will learn the steps to request a change in funding source for a position in OneUSG Connect.

Note : Please review important information regarding this process on the concept page of this article in the Training Library.

1. Step 1

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First, log into OneUSG Connect.                         

From your homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the NavBar button.

2. Step 2

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The NavBar menu is displayed.

Click the Menu icon.

3. Step 3

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From the NavBar: Navigator menu, follow the navigation steps:

Manager Self Service > Position and Funding> Change Position Funding.

Click the Add Change Position Funding menu.

4. Step 4

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The Change Position Funding page is displayed. The Set ID for UGA is 18000.

Enter "18000" into the Set ID field.

5. Step 5

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Enter the appropriate information in the Department field or use the lookup magnifying glass to search.

Enter appropriate information into the Department field.

Example shown here: "H1000293" in the Department field.

6. Step 6

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Enter appropriate information into the Position Number field or use the lookup magnifying glass. 

Example shown here: " 11811XXX in the Position Number field

7. Step 7

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After reviewing the Fiscal Year information and updating as appropriate, click the Add button.

8. Step 8

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The Add Change Position Funding page is displayed. The incumbent information will be blank until an Effective Date is entered.

Enter appropriate information into the Effective Date: field.

Example shown here: " 04/01/2024 in the Effective Date: field.

9. Step 9

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To populate the remaining fields, press [Tab] .

10. Step 10

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The current incumbent information, pay components, additional pay, earnings distrubution, and distribution percentages for this position are displayed.

Note: You can fund vacant positions. The Empl ID and Display Name columns under each header will be blank for vancant positions.

11. Step 11

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Scroll as needed to view additional information.

To view current chartfield distributions, use the appropriate Chartfield Details link in the Distribution as of Change Effective Date section.

12. Step 12

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To enter new funding for the effective date, locate the New Distribution section and select the Current tab.

You can use the appropriate ChartField Details link to modify an existing row or use the [+] Add a New Row button for additional sources.

Example shown here:  [+] Add a new row button.

13. Step 13

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The Percent of Distribution must equal 100% across all rows with the same earnings code. Adjust the percentage values as appropriate to total 100% by earnings code. (A blank earnings code is the default earnings code.)

14. Step 14

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To modify or add the funding source, click the appropriate ChartField Details link.  

Example shown here: ChartField Details link in Row 4 .

15. Step 15

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The ChartField Details page is displayed. You can enter the ChartField information or Combination Code directly or use the Combination Codes Search button.

Example shown here: Combination Codes Search button.

16. Step 16

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The Search Combination Codes page is displayed. You can enter information in any or all of the ChartFields to locate the appropriate Combination Code.

Example shown here: Cancel button.

17. Step 17

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Enter appropriate information in the Combination Code field or ChartField Detail fields.

Example shown here:  " 18173321401005 in the Combination Code field

18. Step 18

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With the appropriate information entered, click the Ok button.

19. Step 19

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The selected Combination Code information is added to the position funding. By default the Earnings Code is left blank.  

20. Step 20

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For positions with pay supplements, the Rate Code shows the supplement information. Use this code and the Comp Rate Code to Earning Code Mapping document to locate the appropriate earnings code when changing the supplement's funding.

21. Step 21

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To add a funding change for the pay supplement, click the [+] Add a new row  button.

22. Step 22

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A new row is added and requires the appropriate Earnings Code.

For example, the Comp Rate Code to Earning Code Mapping document shows that Comp Rate Code MCAGS corresponds to Earnings Code AGS.  

23. Step 23

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To see and search available options, click the Lookup Magnifying Glass in the of Earnings Code field .

24. Step 24

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The Look Up Earnings Code popup window is displayed.

Click the appropriate link to select an earnings code.

Example shown here:  AGS link.

25. Step 25

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Enter appropriate information into the Percent of Distribution field.

Note: Multiple combination codes can be used to fund pay supplements and/or fringe. The Percent of Distribution must equal 100% across all rows with the same earnings code or fringe.  

Example shown here: " 100 in the Percent of Distribution field.

26. Step 26

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To enter the funding source inform ation, click the ChartField Details link in the appropriate row.

27. Step 27

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Enter the appropriate Combination Code or ChartField information.  

28. Step 28

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Click the Ok button.

29. Step 29

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Note: Fringe benefits are charged to the same combo code as earnings by default. The Fringe tab is only completed if fringe benefits should be charged to a different combo code.

To review or make changes, click in the Fringe tab.

30. Step 30

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The Fringe information is displayed.

To view current changes and fringe simultaneously, click the Show all columns arrow.

31. Step 31

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To search for a fringe group to ex clude, click the lookup magnifying glass in the Exclusion Fringe Group  field.

32. Step 32

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The Look Up Exclusion Fringe Group popup is displayed.

Click the appropriate Fringe Group link to select a group for exclusion .

Exmaple shown here: ALL field.

33. Step 33

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To edit information related to the Fringe Exclusion Group, click the CF Details  link in the corresponding row.

34. Step 34

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The ChartField Details page for the Finge Benefits is displayed. The funding information selected here determines where the Fringe Benefits are paid from.

Search for or enter appropriate information into the Combination Code field or ChartField Detail fields directly.

Examle shown here" 18173321401005 in the Combination Code field

35. Step 35

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With the appropriate information entered, click the Ok button.

36. Step 36

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The Redirect Account Code is displayed on the corresponding row.

To return to the separate view, click the Collapse arrow .

37. Step 37

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The Fringe tab is displayed.

Click in the Current field.

38. Step 38

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Comments are not required when submitting a change positiong funding request, but they can useful when reviewing transactions.  

39. Step 39

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Additional effective dates can be added to the Change Position Funding.

Click the [+]  Add a new row  button.

40. Step 40

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A new effective date is added.

Enter appropriate information into the Effective Date: field.  

Examle shown here: " 05/01/2024 in the Effective Date: field.

41. Step 41

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To populate the record, press [Tab] .

42. Step 42

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The new entry is populated.

To view the previous entry, click the [<] Show previous entry arrow.

43. Step 43

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The previous entry is displayed. 

To return to the new entry, click the  [>]  Show next row arrow.

44. Step 44

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The new entry is displayed.

You can use the  [--] Delete row  button to remove the selected entry if appropriate.  

45. Step 45

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The New Information section is populated wit the current funding information by default.

Enter appropriate adjustments to distributions or add new ChartField Details.

Example shown here: information left as populated.

46. Step 46

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Once all appropriate changes have been entered, click the Submit button.

47. Step 47

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The Change Position Funding Request is submitted, and the approval worflow is displayed.

A Transaction ID is also assigned, which appears here and at the top of the request. Using the Transaction ID helps when referring back to the transaction.

To view any comments from approvers, click the Expand graphic.

48. Step 48

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The comments section is expanded. You can view any comments from approvers at any stage of workflow.

Additional Infomation:

In OneUSG Connect a position funding record is made up of four key fields:

1. Set ID (the Set ID for UGA is 18000)

2. Fiscal Year

3. HR Department

4. Position Number

If the value of any one of these key field’s changes, a new funding record is required. For example, if a position is moved to a different HR department a new position funding request will need to be submitted. For example, position 12345678 is moved from department H1000888 to department H1000999. Since one of the key fields (department) changed, a position funding request will need to be submitted for position 12345678 in department H1000999.

Data Needed:

Prior to submitting a MSS Change Position Funding request in OneUSG Connect the following data elements will be needed:

· Set ID (18000)

· Position Number

· HR Department

· Combo Code(s) to be used for funding

· Effective Date(s) for the funding

· Earnings code associated with supplement if the employee seated in the position has a supplement


Combo codes

A list of valid combo codes is available by running the Combo Codes query in the MSS System Manager Reporting work center. This query is under Commitment Accounting and is a part of the Position Funding Query Group. If a new combo code is needed, a combo code request should be submitted in the UGA Financial Management System. Click here for information on submitting a new combo code request.

A combo code cannot be used for position funding in OneUSG Connect prior to the combo code effective date. For example, combo code 18123456789123 has an effective date of 12/01/2021. The combo code will not be available for use in OneUSG Connect until 12/01/2021.

Effective Dates

Effective dates play a crucial role when funding a position. Each pay group falls within one of two pay frequencies – biweekly or monthly. When determining the effective date of a position funding request pay frequency and pay period dates should be considered. The monthly and biweekly practitioner payroll processing calendars are available on the UGA Payroll web site at:

The position funding effective date will need to cover the appropriate pay period based on pay frequency. For a position that has a biweekly pay frequency, the position funding effective date would generally be the pay period begin date for the biweekly pay run. For a position that has a monthly pay frequency, the position funding effective date would generally be the pay period begin date for the monthly pay run. The position cannot be funded prior to the position begin date. For example, a new position was created with an effective date of 8/2/2021, the funding for the position cannot be an effective date prior to 8/2/2021.

Supplement Earnings Codes

If an employee seated in a position has a supplement, the supplement earnings code should be funded in addition to the regular position funding via MSS Change Position Funding. The supplement earnings code should be funded at 100% and the positions regular funding (blank/no earnings code) should be funded at 100%. If the supplement earnings code is not funded the supplement will not be expensed to the correct account code and the supplement will not be encumbered.


Comp Rate Code to Earnings Code Mapping Chart

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