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Additional Infomation:
In OneUSG Connect a position funding record is made up of four key fields:
1. Set ID (the Set ID for UGA is 18000)
2. Fiscal Year
3. HR Department
4. Position Number
If the value of any one of these key field’s changes, a new funding record is required. For example, if a position is moved to a different HR department a new position funding request will need to be submitted. For example, position 12345678 is moved from department H1000888 to department H1000999. Since one of the key fields (department) changed, a position funding request will need to be submitted for position 12345678 in department H1000999.
Data Needed:
Prior to submitting a MSS Change Position Funding request in OneUSG Connect the following data elements will be needed:
· Set ID (18000)
· Position Number
· HR Department
· Combo Code(s) to be used for funding
· Effective Date(s) for the funding
· Earnings code associated with supplement if the employee seated in the position has a supplement
Combo codes
A list of valid combo codes is available by running the Combo Codes query in the MSS System Manager Reporting work center. This query is under Commitment Accounting and is a part of the Position Funding Query Group. If a new combo code is needed, a combo code request should be submitted in the UGA Financial Management System. Click here for information on submitting a new combo code request.
A combo code cannot be used for position funding in OneUSG Connect prior to the combo code effective date. For example, combo code 18123456789123 has an effective date of 12/01/2021. The combo code will not be available for use in OneUSG Connect until 12/01/2021.
Effective Dates
Effective dates play a crucial role when funding a position. Each pay group falls within one of two pay frequencies – biweekly or monthly. When determining the effective date of a position funding request pay frequency and pay period dates should be considered. The monthly and biweekly practitioner payroll processing calendars are available on the UGA Payroll web site at: https://busfin.uga.edu/payroll/calendar/
The position funding effective date will need to cover the appropriate pay period based on pay frequency. For a position that has a biweekly pay frequency, the position funding effective date would generally be the pay period begin date for the biweekly pay run. For a position that has a monthly pay frequency, the position funding effective date would generally be the pay period begin date for the monthly pay run. The position cannot be funded prior to the position begin date. For example, a new position was created with an effective date of 8/2/2021, the funding for the position cannot be an effective date prior to 8/2/2021.
Supplement Earnings Codes
If an employee seated in a position has a supplement, the supplement earnings code should be funded in addition to the regular position funding via MSS Change Position Funding. The supplement earnings code should be funded at 100% and the positions regular funding (blank/no earnings code) should be funded at 100%. If the supplement earnings code is not funded the supplement will not be expensed to the correct account code and the supplement will not be encumbered.
Comp Rate Code to Earnings Code Mapping Chart