After you create a budget journal, you will need to go to the UGA Financial Management System and import the file to bring the data into your financial records.
In this article, you will learn how to import the information from a budget journal spreadsheet into the UGA Financial Management System.
These pages can also be accessed from the Business Management WorkCenter.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System.
On the UGA Financials homepage, click the General Ledger tile.
From the General Ledger menu, navigate to the Import Budget Journals component by selecting:
Commitment Control > Import Budget Journals
Click the Import Budget Journals link.
Click the Collapse menu button.
The Import Budget Journals page is displayed.
You can use the Find an Existing Value page to search for a Run Control ID that you created previously. Or you may create a new Run Control ID.
To create a new Run Control ID, click the Add a New Value tab.
A Run Control ID is used to link your UserID to the process you are running. It saves the parameters you use, but those parameters can be changed the next time that you run the process.
Enter a name into the Run Control ID field that will help you locate this information later.
Example shown here: "upload".
Click the Add button.
The Import Commitment Control Budget Journals page is displayed.
Because you want to load a file to the system, choose Add.
Click the Browse button to locate your file.
Click on the file you want to upload.
Example shown here: MarBudIncr file.
Click the Open button.
The filename is displayed.
Click the Upload button.
The file name will be displayed in the parameters section.
Click the Save button to save your parameters.
You can now start the import.
Click the Run button.
The Process Scheduler Request page displays the name of the process that will run and indicates the parameters that have been set up to run the process.
Click the OK button.
A Process Instance number is assigned to identify your process on the server.
You can monitor the process so you will know when it is complete.
The process goes through different Run Status phases. You can click the Refresh button to update the screen periodically until the Run Status and Distribution Status both show Success or Posted.
You can find the Journal ID for the imported journal once the journal has a Run Status of Success and a Distribution Status of Posted.
Click the Details link.
The Process Detail page is opened. From here, you can view the files that were created as part of the import process.
Click the View Log/Trace link.
The Log file contains the general information about the process.
Click the KK_JRNL_IMP_152977.LOG link .
Click the link for the log file.
The log file is opened in a new tab.
The three numbers at the end of the last line represent the Business Unit (18000), the Journal ID assigned to the imported journal, and the date of the transaction.
Note the Journal ID, so you can look up the journal that was imported to finalize and submit for approval.
Click the Close Tab button to return the UGA Financial Management System.
To close the View Log/Trace page, click the Return button.
To close the Process Detail page, click the OK button.
Once the process is complete, return to the parameters page.
Click the Go back to Import Budget Journals link.
You are returned to the Import Commitment Control Budget Journals page.