Viewing Your Employee's Leave Balances as a Supervisor


OneUSG Connect provides the functionality to access your employees' leave balances. Supervisors and Time & Absence Approvers can view all the leave balances, such as employees' sick leave, vacation, and comp time.

In this article, you will learn the steps to view the leave balances in OneUSG Connect for your employee as a supervisor.

1. Step 1

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From the Manager Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Team Time tile.

2. Step 2

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The Team Time page is displayed.

Click the Absence Balances link.

3. Step 3

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The Absence Balances page is displayed along with all your accessible employees.

Select the appropriate employee Name / Title / ID - Record link.  

Example shown here: Elisha Calker link.

4. Step 4

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The Absence Balances page for the selected employee is displayed with their leave balances.