Employees can report time manually using the Fluid Timesheet when Holiday or leave time is already recorded.
In this article, you will learn the steps to report your time manually on the fluid timesheet when Holiday or Leave time has already been recorded in OneUSG Connect.
First, log in to OneUSG Connect.
From the Employee Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Time and Absence tile.
The Time page is displayed.
Click the Weekly Timesheet - Fluid tile.
The Weekly Time Entry page is displayed.
Click the time entry Options list.
From the Options dropdown menu, choose the appropriate time entry method.
Note: Fluid Timesheet does not include the Pay from Schedule option because time is already reported. This is true for both Holiday and Leave Hours.
Select the Manual Entry option.
In the Select Days field, choose the appropriate days worked to report time.
Note: Only select days worked other than the holiday. Example: If the holiday was Monday, only select Tuesday - Friday.
With the appropriate days worked selected, enter the appropriate information into the Quantity field.
Example shown here: Enter "8" into the Quantity field.
Click the Review button.
The Review Weekly Time page is displayed. On this page, you can review reported and scheduled time details for the displayed days.
Note: Holiday time has been entered automatically and is indicated on the corresponding date.
Select the appropriate holiday to view details.
Example shown here: Choose 19 June Wednesday .
After reviewing all reported time, click the Submit button.
The reported time is submitted to the approval workflow and a confirmation message is displayed.