Paying Out an Employee's Comp Balance as a System Manager


This article walks you through the steps to pay out an employee's comp balance.

Note: First, work with your System Manager to determine the comp balance to be entered on the timesheet. Please refer to the "Viewing Your Employee's Leave Balances" tutorial in the library. This will not deduct the employee's balance. The balance adjustment will be processed centrally after the hours are paid.

In case of transfer or termination, the comp hours should be added to the last day the employee was in a paid status within your department.

Per policy, all comp hours must be paid out by Fiscal Year-End. These comp hours should be added to the last pay day of the last pay period in the current Fiscal Year. Please note for FY19, there is an early comp pay out date.

In this article, you will learn the steps to pay out an employee's comp time balance as a system manager.

Note: You will need Departmental Dynamic Group access to the timesheet to complete this process.

1. Step 1

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First, log in to OneUSG Connect

From the Time Approver page, click the Time Approver tile.

2. Step 2

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On the Time page, click the Report/Approve Time menu item.

3. Step 3

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The Timesheet page is displayed. Enter the appropriate employee ID into the Employee ID field.

Example shown here: Enter "1234567" into the Employee ID field.

4. Step 4

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Click the appropriate employee name.

Example shown here: Click the name Maria Watson .

5. Step 5

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With the employee ID in the Employee ID field, click the Get Employees button.

6. Step 6

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The searched employee name is listed under the Time Summary tab. Click the last name of the employee.

Example shown here: Click the Watson link.

7. Step 7

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The employee's Timesheet page is displayed. Scroll to the right of the page to access the Time Reporting Code field.

8. Step 8

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Click the [+] icon for the last date the employee entered his or her time.

9. Step 9

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A new row is created for the same date. Click the Time Reporting Code drop-down list to enter the appropriate Time Reporting Code.

10. Step 10

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The available Time Reporting Codes are displayed. Click the 00PAC - Comptime Paid Out list item.

11. Step 11

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Enter the comp time balance for the employee into the Quantity field.

Example shown here: Enter "112.00" into the Quantity field .

12. Step 12

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Click the Submit button.

13. Step 13

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A message confirming that your submission was successful is displayed.

Click the OK button.

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