Viewing Your Timesheet Exceptions as an Employee



Employees can view their timesheet "exceptions" in OneUSG Connect.  Exceptions are time entries that may be in error, such as a long shift or a missed punch.  Exceptions are rated by severity, from Low to Medium to High.

High exceptions must be resolved in order for the time to be paid. Examples of high exceptions include invalid punch order or incomplete punch.

Medium/Low exceptions can either be resolved or allowed. An example of a medium/low exception is a long shift.

You should work with your manager or your Time & Absence Approver to clear any exceptions on your timesheet.


In this article, you will learn the steps to view your timesheet exceptions in the OneUSG Connect system.

1. Step 1

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From the Employee Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Time and Absence tile.

2. Step 2

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The Time page is displayed.

Click the Exceptions tile.

3. Step 3

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The Exceptions page is displayed including any current exceptions.

Note: There are two categories of exceptions: High and Medium/Low. High exceptions must be resolved in order for the time to be paid. Examples of high exceptions include invalid punch order or incomplete punch. Medium/Low exceptions can either be resolved or allowed. An example of a medium/low exception is a long shift. Medium and Low exceptions will not prevent the employee from being paid.

4. Step 4

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The Sort button allows you to filter the list of exceptions by Explanation, Severity of Exception and Date.

Click the Close button.

5. Step 5

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You can view the exceptions on your timesheet by clicking the Time button.

Note: For High exceptions or other incorrect information on your timesheet, notify your supervisor to correct them on your behalf.