Shopping Checkout



This training video is for UGAmart users and covers how to checkout and submit a requisition into approval workflow.

NEW (effective 4/23/2022) Budget Check Step during UGAmart Shopping Checkout

A new ‘Check Budget’ button has been added for Requisitioners to complete a budget check during shopping checkout, prior to submitting a requisition onto workflow. Once completed, a Pass/Fail message will appear at the top of the page. The page may need to be refreshed to show this Pass/Fail message. If Pass, you can click ‘Submit for Approval’ to submit the requisition into approval workflow.

If the draft requisition Fails budget check, the requisitioner should review the History tab to see what chartstring is the issue and what actions should be taken. Common error messages and descriptions can be found in the Budget Check Errors Quick Reference Guide and in the Grants Toolkit. Most common error messages during this budget check are:


·  Exceeds Budget Tolerance – There is insufficient budget balance for the purchase. Depending on the Fund and Budgetary Control group, this could mean there is insufficient budget balance at a parent department level.

·  No Budget Exists – No budget has been allocated to the budgetary control combination. For projects, most commonly sponsored projects, this error means that the Account has not yet been opened for the project. (To add an Account for a sponsored project, see Requesting a Budget Revision in the Grants Portal.)

·  Budget Date Out of Bounds – For projects, most commonly sponsored projects, this error commonly means that the project end date has passed (or has not yet begun).

·  Combo error for fields…Accounting lines failed Combination Editing – An invalid combination of chartfields was entered, such as an incorrect Class value in relation to the Fund value. This message will also appear when a required field is missing, such as the first 7 fields, or when a Fund requires a Project, but the Project field is left blank.



Cart, Requisition, Requisition,






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