The UGA Financial Management system provides a search utility that enables you to search for a customer using multiple search criteria. It is important to make sure a customer and or location do not exist in the system before adding a new customer or location. This is required in order to avoid duplicate transactions and to avoid altering information used by other units.
You have been asked to enter a bill for the UGA Athletic Association.
You will search the system to make sure the customer exists before creating the billing transaction.
Note: This article was recorded using sample values. Actual values may differ in the production version of the UGA Financial Management System.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Click the Classic Home button.
To navigate to the General Information page, select:
Main Menu > Customers > Customer Information > General Information
The General Information Search page is displayed.
The Find an Existing Value tab is used to enter specific search criteria in order to quickly search and locate the customer . The more fields you populate, the quicker your search results are returned as the system has fewer records to search through.
Note: The SetID field has been automatically populated with UGA01. You can set this up as a default value based on your settings in your user preferences.
Enter the appropriate Search Criteria into the Search Criteria fields.
Example shown here: Search using the first 4 letters of the customer name, ATHL.
Click the drop-down arrow next to the "begins with" in the Name 1 field.
Click the contains list item.
Enter the appropriate information into the Search Criteria fields.
Example shown here: "ATHL" in the Name 1 field.
Click the Search button.
Your Search Results appear beneath the search criteria. The list of customers with ATHL in the name are listed.
Click the appropriate Customer ID link.
The Customer General Info page is displayed. You can use this page to review a customer's name and verify location and address information.
Your search results have returned a customer record for the UGA Athletic Association.
The Address Locations bar displays the number of locations associated the searched customer . UGA Athletic Association has two address locations.
Clicking on the View All link will expand the page to view all of the locations for the customer .
Click the View All link.
You may need to scroll down the page until you locate the address and location information for the searched customer.
You have located the record for the searched customer.