Correcting Payroll Entries Charged to Suspense Accounts



If funding errors are not caught before payroll runs, the payroll charge will be made to the suspense account for that department. Suspense accounts look like other Combo Codes, but end in "SUS". 

It is the responsibility of each department to check for payroll expenses that have posted to suspense combo codes. Departments should submit a Manager Self Service Express Direct Retro (EDR) request, in OneUSG Connect, to move the payroll expense off the suspense combo code and on to the appropriate combo code(s). Instructions for submitting an EDR are located in the Knowledge Base under Payroll & Compensation > Payroll Processing > Submitting an Express Direct Retro Request in OneUSG Connect.

Departments should also ensure the position is funded so that no future payroll expenses are charged to the suspense combo code. Position funding requests are submitted by the department via Manager Self Service Change Position Funding in OneUSG Connect. Instructions for submitting a MSS Change Position Funding transaction can be found in the Knowledge Base under Fund Positions, Move Payroll Expenses, Etc > OneUSG Connect > Submitting a Change Position Funding Request


Associated SOPs

SOP_CA_004 Invalid Funding Maintenance

SOP_CA_007 Suspense Correction


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