Deferring Holiday Leave via the Punch Timesheet as a Supervisor


If the employee works on a holiday and decides to defer the holiday to use at a later date, the supervisor will need to edit the timesheet to change the time entry from holiday time to deferred holiday time.

In this article, you learn the steps to defer holiday leave for an employee via the punch timesheet in OneUSG Connect. 

1. Step 1

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First log onto

From the Manager Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Team Time tile.

2. Step 2

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The Team Time page is displayed.

Click the Filter button to search for an employee(s).

3. Step 3

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The Filters menu is displayed.

Enter the appropriate information in the available search field(s).

Example shown here: enter "1234567" into the Employee ID field.

4. Step 4

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Select the appropriate employee from the returned search results.

Example shown here: select "Mark Smith" from the Employee ID field.

5. Step 5

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With the appropriate employee information selected, click the Done button.

6. Step 6

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The Team Time page is displayed for the selected employee.   

Chose the appropriate employee in the Name/Title field.

Example shown here: choose Mark Smith from the Name/Title field.

7. Step 7

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The Weekly Timesheet for the selected employee is displayed.

Holiday hours appear with the 00HOL - Holiday Non-Exempt time reporting code and description. This employee worked 8 hours on 02/08/2021 which also shows holiday leave.

8. Step 8

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To defer holiday hours, click the [+] Add row button.

9. Step 9

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A new row is added.

To select the appropriate Time Reporting Code for this row, click the Time Reporting Code drop-down list.

10. Step 10

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Click the 00DFH - Deferred Holiday option.

11. Step 11

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Enter the number of hours the employee worked in the Quantity field to the right of the 00DFH - HOLIDAY time code.

Note: To defer a partial Holiday, enter the number of hours worked using the DFH Code, and reduce the HOL hours by that same amount. DFH hours are not paid and are instead added to the employee’s leave balance.

Example shown here: enter "8.00" into the 8-Monday field.

12. Step 12

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Before submitting the timesheet, the Holiday hours need to be reduced by the same amount as the deferred Holiday hours.

Note: In this example, because the full 8 hours of the Holiday time are being deferred, the Holiday row will need to be deleted from the timesheet.

To remove the Holiday hours, click the minus [-] button.

13. Step 13

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With the Holiday hours adjusted and appropriate hours entered, click the Submit button.

14. Step 14

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The time is submitted to approval workflow, and a confirmation message is displayed.

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