In this article, you will learn to create an Express Bill using Charge Codes. You will also add Header and Line notes to the Express Bill.
Note: This article was recorded using sample values. Actual values may differ in the production version of the UGA Financial Management System.
First, log into the UGA Financial Management System
Click the Classic Home tile.
Navigate to the Express Billing page by selecting:
Main Menu > Billing > Maintain Bills > Express Billing
The Express Bill Entry search page is displayed.
Click the Add a New Value tab.
The Express Bill Entry search page is displayed. The Business Unit field may prepopulate based on the default values you have set up in your user preferences.
Enter the appropriate Search Criteria in the Search Criteria fields.
Example shown here: You will use the Business Unit code for the UGA Police Department.
Click the look-up magnifying glass next to the Business Unit field.
You can search for the Business Unit by using any portion of the 5 digit Business Unit code.
In the Business Unit field, enter "66".
Click the appropriate Business Unit link.
The Invoice field defaults to NEXT. Always leave this field as NEXT.
To select the Bill Type Identifier, click the look-up magnifying glass to the right of the Bill Type Identifier field.
Click the appropriate Bill Type Identifier link.
To locate the Customer, click the magnifying glass to the right of the Customer field.
To search using a portion of the name, click the drop-down arrow in the Name 1 field.
Enter the appropriate information into the Name 1 field.
Example shown here: In the Name 1 field, enter "UGA".
Click the Look Up button.
Click the appropriate Customer ID link.
The Invoice Date field is used to determine the date that will appear on the invoice.
The Invoice Date will default to the current date if left blank.
Example shown here: Leave it blank.
The Accounting Date field is used to determine when the transaction is recognized on the accounting books.
This date defaults to the Invoice Date if left blank, or the current date if both the Invoice and Accounting Dates are left blank.
Example shown here: Leave the Accounting Date field as blank.
Click the Add button.
The Billing General page is displayed. You can use this page to review the customer information to make sure you have selected the correct customer.
To view the address information, click the Expand section Address link.
The Address section provides the address detail and contact information.
To locate the correct customer contact, click the look-up magnifying glass to the right of the Attention To field.
Click the appropriate Contact link.
To select the address that should appear on the bill, click the look-up magnifying glass next to the Location field.
Click the appropriate Address link.
The Bill Lines section of the page is used to enter the Charge Details and Line Information that will be used to calculate the Invoice.
In the Table field, enter "ID". Enter the appropriate information into the Table field.
To enter the Identifier, click the look-up magnifying glass next to the Identifier field.
Enter the appropriate information in the Identifier field.
Click the appropriate Identifier link.
The Description field is populated with the Description, Unit of Measure (UOM) and Unit Price based on the information entered in the Identifier field.
The number of hours to be billed is 10. In the quantity field, enter "10".
Enter the appropriate Quantity in the Quantity field.
The Unit of Measure field (UOM), is based on Hours (HRS).
To calculate the Gross Extended amount, you will need to refresh the page.
Click the Refresh button.
The Gross Extended field is populated with the total amount based on the Quantity times (X) the information in the Unit Price field.
The next step is to review the Revenue Account information.
Click the Revenue Account link.
The Accounting Distributions tab is displayed.
Review the information in the Revenue section of the page displayed on the Acct Information tab. Make sure these fields are populated: Account, Bud Ref, Fund, Dept. and Class fields.
Once you have confirmed the information is correct, click the Save button.
Once the page is saved, the Invoice number is assigned and the charge code details are updated.
A Header Note and Line Note can be added to the Billing Invoice.
To enter the Line Note, click the drop-down arrow in the Navigation list.
A Line Note is a 250 character message that applies to the line to which it is entered.
In the Note Text area, enter the appropriate information into the Note Text field. "Required by the department ".
To enter the Header Note, click the drop-down arrow in the Navigation field.
The Header Note is a 250 character message that applies to the entire invoice.
Enter the appropriate information into the Note Text field.
Example shown here: In the Note Text field, enter "Have a good day!".
Click the Save button.
To review a preview copy of the invoice, click the Pro Forma button.
The Pro Forma page is displayed. This is a preview copy of the invoice that the customer will receive once the invoice transaction is processed in the system.
It is important to review the Pro Forma copy to identify any changes that need to be made before the billing transaction is processed.
When your review is complete, close the Pro Forma pdf and you will return to the Billing General page.
If no changes are necessary, no further updates need to be made to the invoice.