Adding a Non-Sponsored Project to My Projects


Sponsored project information for project teams you are associated with will automatically show up in your My Projects. However, if you are interested in adding a non-sponsored project to your My Projects page, you will need to complete the following steps:

1. Request the creation of the Project ID in UGA Financial Management by Central Accounting

2. Add the project to My Projects in UGA Financial Management

Step 1:

The creation of the project in the UGA Financial Management System is completed by Central Accounting and involves the creation of a Project ID. The Project ID chartfield is generally defined to support identification of transactions associated with a capital project, grant, or other similar activity where a budget and cost collecting and tracking is needed for a defined period of time. A project provides for additional functionality unique to project cost accounting (project life, defined period, defined activities, etc.) as defined in the Project Costing module. The Project ID chartfield can be used for both sponsored and non-sponsored purposes.

Non-sponsored projects are any projects that are not grants, sponsored contracts, sponsored agreements or other awards that are processed by Sponsored Projects Administration. The University currently uses different types of non-sponsored projects (e.g. capital projects, studies abroad, and field study activities). The Accounting Department will establish non-sponsored Project IDs that are non-capital related. The Office of University Architects or the Facilities Management Division will establish capital projects.

Characteristics of a project typically include the following:

  • Defined begin and end dates

  • Designated budget or funding support

  • Specific group of participants

  • One time event or initiative

  • May cross fiscal years

  • May have distinct reporting requirements

There are two project-specific chartfields that are unique to the Project Costing module. Those are:

  • PC Business Unit – An operational subset of an organization to organize project activity independently of the constraints of the standard accounting procedures for the financial posting and reporting of the organization
  • Activity ID – Identifies activities and specific tasks that make up a project.

Units may request a non-sponsored Project ID by submitting the Non-sponsored Project ID Request Form to the OneSource Service Desk at These requests will be routed to Accounting for review and approval.  Once approved, Accounting will notify the unit of the new project ID number.

Step 2:

Once you have a new Project ID number, you will need to add the project to your My Projects page. The following article will show you how to locate your project and add it to My Projects.

In this article, you will learn the steps to add a Project to My Projects.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the UGA Financial Management System. 

Click the Classic Home tile.

2. Step 2

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To navigate to the General Information page, select:

Main Menu > Project Costing > Project Definitions > General Information

3. Step 3

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The General Information inquiry page is displayed.

In order to conduct a search, the Business Unit is required for the search criteria.

To locate the Business Unit, click the lookup magnifying glass to the right of the Business Unit field or enter the Business Unit directly.

The Business Unit, 18002, is specific to Capital Construction Projects.

In the Business Unit field, enter "18002".

4. Step 4

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Click the Construction Projects link.

5. Step 5

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The Project ID is required.

You can search for a project using the lookup magnifying glass to the right of the Project field or enter the Project ID directly.

Example shown here: enter COUA19105 into the Project field.

6. Step 6

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Click the Utility Improvements Project link.

7. Step 7

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Click the Search button.

8. Step 8

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The General Information page for the queried project is displayed.

From this page you can view information on the project. This includes the Start Date and End Date, a Description of the project, Project Type, and other viable information.

9. Step 9

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After reviewing the project information, you can add the project to your project list by clicking the Add to My Projects button.

Click the Add to My Projects button.

10. Step 10

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A message box will display stating that the project has been added to My Projects List.

Click the OK button.

11. Step 11

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To save your progress, click the Save as Template button.

12. Step 12

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Click the My Projects link.

13. Step 13

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The My Projects page is displayed. This page provides a list of projects associated with your user id.

Note: The project that you searched for and added is now visible in your My Projects List.

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