Resolving Incorrect ChartField Entry



As transactions are entered, they are budget checked and cannot be submitted with errors. View the transaction (expense report, journal entry, budget transfer, etc.) with the budget checking error and determine if the correct chartstring was used.

GL Journal: If an incorrect chartstring is used on a general ledger journal entry, the initiator will receive an error and can correct the chartstring on the journal before submitting. Journal entries must be successfully budget checked before they can be submitted for workflow approval.

Budget Journal or Budget Transfer: If an incorrect chartstring was used on a budget journal or a budget transfer, the initiator should correct the chartstring on the budget journal or budget transfer. The initiator of a budget journal or budget transfer should always process a budget pre-check prior to submitting the journal for approval. If budget checking fails, the initiator should then resolve any budget checking errors. If the budget journal or budget transfer has already been submitted for workflow approval, the approver should deny the journal with comments for the initiator to correct the chartstring.

AP Journal Voucher: If an incorrect chartstring is used on an accounts payable journal voucher, the initiator will receive an error and can correct the chartstring. Journal vouchers must be successfully budget checked before they can be submitted for workflow approval.

Payment Request: If an incorrect chartstring was used on a payment request, the chartstring should be corrected on the original payment request if it has not reached the voucher stage. If the payment request has reached the voucher stage and has been approved by UGA Central AP, the chartstring can only be corrected by UGA Central AP. Units should notify UGA Central AP of the correct chartstring. The voucher will be re-budget checked when the batch budget checking process runs.

Expense Report: If an incorrect chartstring was used on an expense report, the initiator should correct the chartstring. If the expense report is submitted for workflow approval and a budget checking error is identified, the approver should push back the expense report to the initiator so the chartstring can be corrected. If the expense report has received all necessary approvals, including UGA Central AP Travel approval, the chartstring can only be corrected by UGA Central AP Travel. The correct chartstring should be given to Uga Central AP Travel so the expense report can be corrected. The expense report will be re-budget checked when the batch budget checking process runs. The query UGA_TE_DEPARTMENT_REPORT provides current expense report details. Errors will be noted in the Budget Status column.

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Article ID: 149579
Sat 9/24/22 11:18 PM
Fri 1/5/24 5:09 PM