Entering Job Differentials Using Task Profile IDs as a Time & Absence Approver


This article will walk you through the steps to enter job differentials for employees using Task Profile IDs.

In this article, you will learn the steps to enter job differentials for an employee using Task Profile IDs as a time approver.

1. Step 1

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First log onto https://hcm-sso.onehcm.usg.edu/

From the Time Approver Self Service homepage in OneUSG Connect, click the Team Time tile.

2. Step 2

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The Team Time page is displayed.

Click the Filter button.

3. Step 3

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The Filters menu is displayed.

Enter the appropriate employee information into the search fields.

Example shown here: enter "1234567" into the Employee ID field.

4. Step 4

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With the employee information entered, click in the Done button.

5. Step 5

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The records for the employee are displayed.

Click the appropriate Name/Title link.

Example shown here: select the Joe Goody link.

6. Step 6

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The selected employee Weekly Timesheet is displayed.

To make more work room available, click the Collapse Menu button.

7. Step 7

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The employee's Weekly Timesheet is expanded. Scroll, if necessary, to view additional information.

8. Step 8

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To apply a job differential to the reported time, click the Task Profile ID lookup magnifying glass in the appropriate row.

9. Step 9

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The Task Profile ID Lookup window is displayed.

Select the appropriate Task Profile ID. 

Note: The Description column indicates the hourly rate for the differential.

Example shown here: click the 18D_PREM11 link.

10. Step 10

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The selected Task Profile ID is applied.

To apply a Task Profile ID to part of a shift, click the Add button in the appropriate row.

11. Step 11

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A new row is added to the selected date. You can use the multiple rows to enter and adjust the total time to apply part of the shift to a Task profile ID.

Enter appropriate times in the In and Out fields for both the rows.

12. Step 12

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With the time split between the two rows, you can apply the Task Profile IDs to the split.

Click the lookup magnifying glass under the Task Profile ID column for the appropriate row.

13. Step 13

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The Task Profile ID Lookup window is displayed.

Select the appropriate Task Profile ID

Example shown here: click the 18D_PREM11 link.

14. Step 14

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Once all Task Profile IDs are assigned to the shift(s), click the Submit button.

15. Step 15

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A message is displayed confirming your submission.

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