Reviewing Journals for Approval


As an approver, you are approving to the best of your knowledge that the journal is appropriate, accurately classified with correct ChartFields, and complete with respect to substantiating document. Identifying and correcting errors prior to approving the journal is critical. Otherwise, the journal will need to be returned to your business office for resolution, and this creates re-work and processing time delays.

In this article, you will learn some best practices for identifying errors prior to approving a journal.

1. Step 1

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First, log into the Financial Management System.

From the Employee Self Service page in UGA Financials, click the Approvals tile.

Note: The number in the lower right hand corner of the tile indicates the number of requests requiring review and action.

2. Step 2

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The Pending Approvals page is displayed with a list of items waiting for approval.

Example shown here: Jounal Entries waiting for approval.

Click the Journal Entry link.

3. Step 3

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A list of this type of transaction waiting for review is displayed. Click any of the transactions to review the information submitted.

Example shown here: 18000 / 1000125698 link.

4. Step 4

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The transaction information is displayed. You will need to identify any errors prior to approving this transaction.

Example shown here:  transaction for compliance with applicable policies.

5. Step 5

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Depending on the type of transaction you are reviewing, you may need to check for attachments, such as an invoice or receipt.

If attachments are included, they would be located in this area. You would need to review the attachment to ensure it agrees with the information in the transaction.

6. Step 6

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If a needed attachment is missing or unreadable, you can return it to the initiator to add or correct attachments. 

7. Step 7

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You can also review comments from the initiator and/or other approvers, if needed.

8. Step 8

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Review the individual line items to make sure the request is reasonable and the accounting details are correct.

9. Step 9

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Review the chartstring information for accuracy. Ensure that the ChartField combination is correct.  

10. Step 10

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Check to see if the Operating Unit and the ChartField 1 values are needed in the Distribution lines.

11. Step 11

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If necessary, scroll to the right to view additional fields. If a Project or Grant is funding the transaction, make sure the PC Business Unit, Project ID and Activity code is included.

12. Step 12

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You can also review your budget information for each fund. 

To check your budget, you can use a Query such as   UGA_KK_DEPT_BUDGET_BALANCE in the UGA Financial Management System or by checking your Budget Status Cube at

13. Step 13

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The Select checkboxes allow you to choose all or individual lines for action.

Note: The checkbox in the top left corner of the table functions as a Select All option.

Click the Select All option.

14. Step 14

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When you are ready to make a decision on the transaction, you can click Approve , Deny , or Hold. 

Note: The   Hold option can be used to temporarily place the transaction on Hold, until you are able to complete the review of the transaction or gather more information. The Hold option will keep the transaction in your approvals queue until you release it.   

Example shown here: Hold button.

15. Step 15

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If a transaction is placed on Hold, you will need to enter comments explaining the reason. For example, you can state that you are holding the transaction to review policy and procedures.

Note: By placing a Hold on the transaction, no one else in the approval pool will be able to approve or deny the transaction.  

Example shown here: Cancel button.

16. Step 16

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You can also Approve or Deny the transaction. 

17. Step 17

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Comments are required when a transaction will be denied.


Additional Information:

This tutorial provides guidance for approvers as they review journals. This applies to personnel with approver roles for expense, spend, and journal transactions. This does not apply to Reports-To approvers.


Tutorial Resources

Quick Start for Approvers

Financial Review and Analysis Guide

Transaction Signs Quick Reference Guide

Approval Action Matrix

Deny vs Send Back

Temporary Approvers Quick Start

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