Using Smartphones and Tablets


One of the features of the UGA Financial Management System is that the Fluid view is based on an adaptive framework that allows it to be easily used on smartphones and tablets. The tiles in Fluid view are scaled down and rearranged to adapt to the size of the screen and the pages are streamlined and easy to read. This means that you can take care of those "work emergencies" from almost anywhere.

When using a smartphone or tablet for your work, be sure that you have the appropriate tools to log in using ArchPass Duo.

In this article you will learn some of the navigation differences when using smartphones and tablets to access the UGA Financial Management System.

1. Step 1

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If you have easier access to a smartphone or tablet than to a computer, you can use these devices to access the UGA Financial Management system for some tasks.

2. Step 2

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It uses the same URLs that you would use to access on your laptop.

6. Step 6

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You have reviewed some of the navigation differences when using smartphones and tablets to access the UGA Financial Management System.

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Article ID: 149462
Sat 9/24/22 11:14 PM
Fri 1/5/24 5:08 PM