Creating a Budget Journal Spreadsheet


A budget journal spreadsheet can be used when many lines need to be entered. The spreadsheet provides a quick method of entry for all of the required values and simplifies moving from field to field for entry.

Processing spreadsheet journals is a process that consists of three steps.

  1. Create the spreadsheet.
  2. Import the spreadsheet into the UGA Financial Management System.
  3. Submit the Budget Journal for approval and finalization.

This article will refer to the template file as “UGA Budget_Journal_Form”. There is only one file needed to create the budget journal spreadsheet. Templates may be obtained from the OneSource Knowledge Base at:  It is recommended that you check the knowledge base often to ensure that you have the most recent version of the spreadsheet. Users are strongly advised to attend a training class or familiarize themselves with the following topics in the OneSource Training Library:

  • Creating a Budget Journal Spreadsheet
  • Importing a Budget Journal Spreadsheet
  • Submitting a Budget Journal Spreadsheet
  • Copying a Budget Journal Spreadsheet

In this article, you will learn how to create a budget journal using a spreadsheet template.

1. Step 1

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First, log into UGA Financial Management System

Double-click on the UGA Budget_Journal_Form_.xls file from the folder where it is stored to open it.

2. Step 2

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Click the Enable Content button if prompted.

3. Step 3

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The template has two sections. Header detail is on the left and line detail is on the right.

You will only enter one header detail line for each journal. Line detail may require multiple lines.

Certain information is already defaulted.

4. Step 4

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Enter your information into the available row under the Header Detail section.

Click the Business Unit drop-down list to select the appropriate Business Unit.

Example shown here: 18000.

5. Step 5

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Enter NEXT into the Journal ID field to assign it the next available Journal ID number.

6. Step 6

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The format for the Journal Date is MM/DD/YYYY.

Enter the appropriate date into the Journal Date field.  

Example shown here: 8/22/2022.

7. Step 7

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Click the Ledger drop-down list to select the correct ledger.

Budgets are not entered into the Actuals ledger. Use DEPT_REV to modify revenue budgets and DEPT_CHILD to modify expense budgets.

Example shown here: DEPT_REV option.

8. Step 8

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Click the Budget Type drop-down list and select the Adjustment option. All other types are for Central Accounting use.

9. Step 9

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The Header Description will help you identify your journal when doing searches in the UGA Financial Management System.

Enter the appropriate information into the Header Description field.  

Example shown here: increase est. revenue.

10. Step 10

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Scroll to the right to enter accounting ChartFields into the Line Detail section.

Budget transactions require Account, Dept, Fund, Budget Reference, Class, and Program. Operating Unit and Chartfield1 are optional. Project information is not allowed on Budget transactions. Project budgets are modified by SPA through the Grants Module.

11. Step 11

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Enter the appropriate chartstring information.


12. Step 12

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Enter the amount for this chartstring. The amount on Budget Journals should always be in whole dollar amounts unless the transaction is specifically related to carryforward from prior year.  

Example shown here: 50,000.00 in the Amount field.

13. Step 13

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Enter a description for the information into the Line Description field.  

Example shown here: Increase Est Revenue.

14. Step 14

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Enter appropriate information into the Journal Line Reference field.  


15. Step 15

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You are now ready to enter an additional line of the journal. Begin with the Account number on the next line in the Line Detail section and continue entering information as needed.

16. Step 16

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Once the journal is complete, you are ready to create the Upload file.

Click the Create Journal Upload File button.

17. Step 17

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The Save As dialog box opens.

Enter a name for your file. Save it with a name that will be easy to find. You will need the file path and name for the next step in the process to import a journal.

Then, click the Save button.

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