This training video is for UGAmart users and covers how to create and enter non-catalog cart items in UGAmart. Non-catalog items are ideally used for vendors that do not have punchout or hosted catalogs in UGAmart or for service items that will not be present in any catalogs.
UGAmart Punchout Features: shows features for the various tools within UGAmart punchouts. UGAmart Punchouts provide the most efficient method to purchase items and can result in cost and time savings. Utilizing punchouts when available can reduce processing time, reduce email notifications, and overall reduce delivery time. Many punchouts provide helpful tools like Quote-to-Cart, Quick Ordering, and Order status features that can enable shoppers and requisitioners to place orders quickly and provide real-time order updates. Please review this document for the current features and high-level navigation for each vendor punchout.