Understanding the HR Supervisor Role



Whenever an employee is set up as an HR Supervisor of another employee in UGAJobs/OneUSG Connect, they will automatically receive the role UGA Ex Distr HR Supervisor.

HR Supervisors are responsible for the following in the UGA Financial Management System:

  • Requesting system access for their "reports to" employees. Once this role is provisioned, they will receive the Request Access tile in the UGA Financial Management System.
  • Approving Travel Authorizations for "reports to" employees. The HR Supervisor reviews Travel Authorizations to ensure that the request is reasonable, and the employee has permission to be on travel status; that the required fields are completed; that the appropriate supporting documentation is included and legible; and that deadlines are observed. Any travel authority submitted after travel has occurred will need to be accompanied by a letter of justification indicating that proper procedures will be followed in the future.
  • Approving travel-related expense reimbursements for "reports to" employees. By approving travel expenses, the approver is attesting that to the best of their knowledge, the request is reasonable, adheres to travel and expense policies, and is allowable by type and amount. Supervisors should also review to ensure that required fields are completed and supporting documentation is attached. Travel expenses must be submitted within 45 days of travel.

See more on the Travel Policy page.

Travel Authorization and Expense Report workflow will automatically route to an Employee's HR Supervisor by default based on what is set up in OneUSG Connect/UGAJobs. You can use the following queries to view details about this role:

Query Name Description
UGA_USERS_ROLES Show all roles assigned to a user
UGA_WF_EMPLOYEE_REPORTS_TO Shows what supervisor an employee reports to
UGA_WF_SUPERVISORS_EMPLOYEES Shows all employees that report to a supervisor

To match an employee's supervisor to data in the source system (OneUSG Connect), you can use the query Employee Job Data in Manager Self Service in that system.

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Article ID: 149163
Sat 9/24/22 11:05 PM
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