Managing Worksheets in Excel


You can copy, move, insert, and rename sheets within your Excel workbook. For example, you might use these features if you want to:

  • Copy a sheet to a new location and edit the new sheet, maintaining the original data on the original tab
  • Reorganize sheets so that the most used tabs are located closer to the "front" of the workbook


  1. Step 1: At the bottom of an Excel workbook, you will find the Tab Management Area.
  2. Step 2: To reveal the tab actions, right-click on a tab.
  3. Step 3: Click the Move or Copy... menu option.
  4. Step 4: Select the worksheet you wish to copy from the list.
  5. Step 5: Click the Create a copy checkbox.
  6. Step 6: Click the OK button.
  7. Step 7: Right-click the appropriate tab in the Tab Management Area.
  8. Step 8: Click the Move or Copy... menu option.
  9. Step 9: Click the (move to end) option.
  10. Step 10: Click the OK button.
  11. Step 11: Click the [+] button in the Tab Management Area.
  12. Step 12: Right-click the appropriate tab.
  13. Step 13: Click the Rename menu option.
  14. Step 14: Enter the new name for the worksheet and press enter to save.
  15. Step 15: Right-click the tab for the worksheet that you want to delete.
  16. Step 16: Click the Delete option.
  17. Step 17: Click the Delete button.
  18. Step 18: The selected worksheet has been deleted from the workbook.
  19. Step 19: Right-click a tab for a sheet.
  20. Step 20: Click the Insert... option.
  21. Step 21: Containing the General and Spreadsheet Solutions tabs. 
  22. Step 22: Click to select the appropriate template.
  23. Step 23: Click the OK button.
  24. Step 24: The selected template has been added to the workbook.  

In this aticle, you will learn the steps to copy, move, delete, insert a template, and rename a worksheet in an Excel workbook.

1. Step 1

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At the bottom of an Excel workbook, you will find the Tab Management Area.

This area contains navigation arrows that can be used to move between tabs as well as between the created worksheets (shown as tabs). Here, you can copy, insert, rename or move a sheet within the Excel workbook.  

2. Step 2

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To reveal the tab actions, right-click on a tab.

Example shown here: right-click on the Sample Employee Data tab.

3. Step 3

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The Tab Actions pop-up menu is displayed.

To copy the selected worksheet, click the Move or Copy... menu option.

4. Step 4

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The Move or Copy pop-up box is displayed.

Select the worksheet you wish to copy from the list.

Example shown here: Sample Employee Data worksheet.

5. Step 5

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With the appropriate worksheet selected, click the Create a copy checkbox.

6. Step 6

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To confirm your selection, click the OK button.

7. Step 7

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The copied worksheet is displayed with a (2) next to the name to indicate it is the second sheet with that name.

To move a worksheet to your preferred location, right-click the appropriate tab in the Tab Management Area.

Example shown here: Sample Employee Data (2) tab.

8. Step 8

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The Tab Actions pop-up menu is displayed.

To move the selected worksheet, click the Move or Copy... menu option.

9. Step 9

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The Move or Copy pop-up box is displayed.

You can move the copied sheet to another workbook or before/after an existing sheet in the current workbook.

To move the selected worksheet to the end of the workbook, click the (move to end) option.

10. Step 10

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To confirm your selection, click the OK button.

11. Step 11

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The selected worksheet is moved.

Note: You can also click and drag a tab to the desired location in the Tab Management Area.

To add another worksheet, click the [+] button in the Tab Management Area.

12. Step 12

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The created worksheet is displayed.

To rename a worksheet, right-click the appropriate tab.

Example shown here: right-click Sheet 2 .

13. Step 13

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The Tab Actions pop-up menu is displayed.

To rename the selected worksheet, click the Rename menu option.

14. Step 14

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The selected worksheet tab is highlighted. It now works as a text field.

Enter the new name for the worksheet and press enter to save.

Example shown here: "Sample Employee List".

15. Step 15

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The new worksheet name is displayed.

To delete an existing worksheet from an Excel workbook, right-click the tab for the worksheet that you want to delete.

Example shown here:Sample Employee List tab.

16. Step 16

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A pop-up menu is displayed.

To remove the selected worksheet, click the Delete option.

17. Step 17

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To confirm removal of the selected worksheet, click the Delete button.

18. Step 18

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The selected worksheet has been deleted from the workbook.

19. Step 19

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To insert a template into the workbook, right-click a tab for a sheet.

Example shown here: right-click the Sample Employee Data (2) tab.

20. Step 20

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From the pop-up menu, click the  Insert... option.

21. Step 21

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The Insert pop-up menu is displayed, containing the General and Spreadsheet Solutions tabs. 

Example shown here: click the Spreadsheet Solutions tab.

22. Step 22

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From the Spreadsheet Solutions tab, click to select the appropriate template you wish to insert into your workbook.   

Example shown here: the Billing Statement template.

23. Step 23

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Click the OK button.

24. Step 24

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The selected template has been added to the workbook.  

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