Viewing the Financials Transaction Log


The Financials Transaction Log allows you to view detailed financial information for transactions using a customizable set of parameters.

To access the Financial Transaction Log, use the following navigation:

UGA Office of Institutional Research homepage ( > Operational Reports > Budget Status line (under Financials tab) > Financials Transaction Log

Note: You will need to enter your UGA MyID and password to access the Budget Status Report.


  1. Step 1When the Financials Transaction Log opens, you will see a list of parameters that can be used to customize the data view, including Time Parameters, Chartstring Parameters, and Additional Parameters.   
  2. Step 2In the Time Parameters section, the filters for Budget Reference and Fiscal Year will default to the current year but can be changed depending on your needs.
  3. Step 3Drag the sliding filter to your preferred beginning date.
  4. Step 4You can also set the Date_YMD (Year Month Day) filter by clicking the beginning and/or ending date field(s).  
  5. Step 5A pop-up calendar is displayed. Select the appropriate beginning date.  
  6. Step 6The Date YMD (Year Month Day) filter has been updated to match your selection.
  7. Step 7Click the Dept_ID_Descr dropdown menu to select the appropriate department(s) for which you wish to view the transaction list.
  8. Step 8Enter the appropriate department code into the search field. You can also use the wildcard "*" in the search field, which searches for all results.  
  9. Step 9The list of all departments that match your search criteria will be displayed. Click the department for which you wish to view the transaction list.  
  10. Step 10: Continue to select departments for which you wish to view the transaction list. After selecting all of the departments, click the Apply button.
  11. Step 11: The Green Button with the white right-pointing arrow is displayed with information about the number of transactions associated with the selected department(s). To go to the transactions list for the selected department(s), click the Green Button.
  12. Step 12The Transactions List for the selected department(s) is displayed.
  13. Step 13: Here is some brief information about the first four columns:

    1. PeopleSoft (PS) Source Transaction ID is the transaction ID from within UGA Financials.

    2. PeopleSoft (PS) Source Description is the description for the transaction.

    3. Date_YMD is the transaction date.

    4. UGA Source Reference pulls in the UGAMart PO # and/or the employee when applicable.  

  14. Step 14This report also provides the full chartstring for the transaction, including GL Account, Fund Code, Program Code, Class ID, Operating Unit, Business Unit, and Chartfield1.
  15. Step 15If any of the amount columns (Budget, Encumbrances, Actual Revenue, Estimated Revenue, or Recognized Revenue) are unnecessary for the report, you can right-click any column and mark it for exclusion from the report.
  16. Step 16You can choose to sort by any of the columns at the top but note that they will sort within the transaction grouping. A transaction grouping has been highlighted in light blue to indicate that all of the different chartstrings associated with the transaction have been selected.

In this article, you will learn the steps to view the Financials Transaction Log in the Budget Status Report.

To access the Financial Transaction Log, use the following navigation:

UGA Office of Institutional Research homepage ( ) > Operational Reports > Budget Status line (under Financials tab) > Financials Transaction Log.

Note: You will need to enter your UGA MyID and password to access the Budget Status Report.

1. Step 1

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When the Financials Transaction Log opens, you will see a list of parameters that can be used to customize the data view, including Time Parameters, Chartstring Parameters, and Additional Parameters.   

2. Step 2

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In the Time Parameters section, the filters for Budget Reference and Fiscal Year will default to the current year but can be changed depending on your needs.

3. Step 3

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The Date_YMD (Year Month Day) filter can be used as a sliding filter. Or, you can click the beginning and/or end dates to select the exact dates that you wish.

Drag the sliding filter to your preferred beginning date.

Example shown here: "7/10/2019"

4. Step 4

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You can also set the Date_YMD (Year Month Day) filter by clicking the beginning and/or ending date field(s).   

Example shown here: " 7/10/2019 "

5. Step 5

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A pop-up calendar is displayed. Select the appropriate beginning date.  

Example shown here: " July 1 2019 ".

6. Step 6

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The Date YMD (Year Month Day) filter has been updated to match your selection.

7. Step 7

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In the Chartstring Parameters section, the only required filter is the department filter. You must select one or more departments to view the transactions.

Note: You should NOT run this report for ALL. Running the report for all departments will result in a long and large transaction report that will be difficult to navigate.     

Click the Dept_ID_Descr dropdown menu to select the appropriate department(s) for which you wish to view the transaction list.

8. Step 8

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Enter the appropriate department code into the search field. You can also use the wildcard "*" in the search field, which searches for all results.  

Example shown here: " 15*

9. Step 9

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The list of all departments that match your search criteria will be displayed. Click the department for which you wish to view the transaction list.  

Example shown here: click to select the indicated example department.

10. Step 10

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Continue to select departments for which you wish to view the transaction list.

After selecting all of the departments, click the Apply button.

11. Step 11

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The Green Button with the white right-pointing arrow is displayed with information about the number of transactions associated with the selected department(s).

To go to the transactions list for the selected department(s), click the Green Button.

12. Step 12

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The Transactions List for the selected department(s) is displayed.

On this page, you can view detailed information about all transactions lists for the selected department(s), including PeopleSoft Source Transaction ID, PeopleSoft Source Description, Date_YMD, GL Account, Fund Code, Program Code, Class ID, Operating Unit, Business Unit, Chartfield1, etc.  

13. Step 13

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Here is some brief information about the first four columns:

1. PeopleSoft (PS) Source Transaction ID is the transaction ID from within UGA Financials.

2. PeopleSoft (PS) Source Description is the description for the transaction.

3. Date_YMD is the transaction date.

4. UGA Source Reference pulls in the UGAMart PO # and/or the employee when applicable.  

14. Step 14

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This report also provides the full chartstring for the transaction, including GL Account, Fund Code, Program Code, Class ID, Operating Unit, Business Unit, and Chartfield1.

15. Step 15

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If any of the amount columns (Budget, Encumbrances, Actual Revenue, Estimated Revenue, or Recognized Revenue) are unnecessary for the report, you can right-click any column and mark it for exclusion from the report.

If you wish to bring the amount column(s) back, click the Undo or Revert buttons in the top left corner.

16. Step 16

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You can choose to sort by any of the columns at the top but note that they will sort within the transaction grouping. A transaction grouping has been highlighted in light blue to indicate that all of the different chartstrings associated with the transaction have been selected.

Note: To sort outside of these transaction groupings, you can download the data into Excel.