To change a name of a Department or to make adjustments to an existing ChartField value, you will update a Chartfield instead of adding. You can also use this process to inactivate a ChartField.
Note: For Department IDs, the first two digits must reflect your Unit. It must also be 8 characters long with no special characters. Only the last three characters can be letters.
In this article you will learn the steps to enter and submit a request to update an existing ChartFields.
This example shows how to change the name (description) of a department. The description is the information that shows up on most reports.
First, log into the Financial Management System.
Access to the General Ledger module is on the UGA Financials homepage.
Click the Employee Self Service dropdown button to activate the menu.
Click the UGA Financials link.
Click the General Ledger tile.
Navigate to the ChartField Request. It is find in the General Ledger Design section of the menu.
Select the type of ChartField you are updating.
Click the magnifying glass next to the Look up Field Name field.
Select the appropriate ChartField type.
Example shown here: DEPTID link.
You are updating an existing field, not adding a new one.
Click the Field Action list.
Click the Update list item.
Use the search features or enter the ID of the ChartField. Enter appropriate information into the Field Value field.
Example shown here: " 19000DIV " in the Field Value field.
Add the new request.
Close the menu so you can see the entire page.
Provide your telephone number in case the approvers need additional information.
The Email ID should be your email address.
The 01/01/1901 effective date is assigned to the values that were initially set up in the system. Change this date.
The effective date for your request should be on or before the first day that you want the new name to show in reports and inquiries.
You may want to use the start of the fiscal year or the start of the accounting period.
Use the calendar tools or enter the effective date of the change.
Enter appropriate information into the Effective Date field.
Example shown here: " 07/01/2018 " in the Effective Date field.
The status should be active. If for some reason you want to inactivate the ChartField, be sure the Effective Date is the first date you no longer want it to appear. Then select Inactive in the Status field.
Enter appropriate information into the Description field.
In this example, you want to change the name of the department that shows up in most reports, which is the Description field.
Example shown here: " FC Diversity Training " in the Description field.
Enter appropriate information into the Short Description field.
Example shownhere: " DIV TRN " in the Short Description field.
If you have any attachments that the approver may need to see, use the Attachments hyperlink to attach to this request.
Answering Question 1 is required for updating existing Departments.
Enter the appropriate information in the Question 1 Answer field.
Example shown here: Name Change to FC Diversity Training and Short Description to DIV TRN. No other Changes.
Questions 2 through 4 can be left blank.
Follow the instructions in Question 5 to ensure all items on the Department Maintenance Checklist have been completed.
Once all appropriate information is entered,
click the Save button.
After saving, a Request ID is assigned to the request. You can use this ID to come back to this page to modify or check on the status of the report.
After you create and save the update, you need to submit it for approval.
Click the Request Action dropdown menu.
Click the Submit for Approval option.
Click the Go button.
The request is submitted into the approval work flow.
Click the View Approval Flow link.
The approval flow is displayed showing your approval is pending.
Approval for ChartFields is set up differently from other approvals at UGA.
Note that the first level of approval is you. This means that you will need to approve this transaction before it will go to someone else.
Click the [+] button to add the next approver.
You will need to add in your Business Manager or Financial Officer as the next level of approver.
Enter or search for their myID in the User ID field.
Example shown here: busmgr1
Click the Insert button.
The approver is added to the approval flow.
Click the Save Approval Flow Changes button.
Click the Return button.
Return to the ChartField page to approve and submit to the next approver.
Remember, you must approve first to send to your Business Manager or Financial Officer.
Click the Approve option.
The request is submitted into the Approval Flow.
The approval is recorded and be submitted to the next approval.