In the UGA Financial Management System, you can delete a budget journal you initiated if it has not been posted.
In this article, you will learn how to delete a budget journal in Classic View.
Note: Data has been masked or changed to protect employee information.
First, log into
On the Employee Self Service page, click the Classic Home tile.
To delete a budget journal, use the following navigation:
Main Menu > Commitment Control > Budget Journals > Enter Budget Journals.
Click the Enter Budget Journals link.
The Enter Budget Journals page is displayed.
Click the Find an Existing Value button.
You can search for a budget journal using one or more of the displayed search criteria, including Journal ID and User ID.
Note: 18000 is the Business Unit assigned to the University of Georgia. There are multiple means for searching for the Journal, but all require that the Business Unit is specified.
Example shown here: you will search for the budget journal using the Journal ID.
Click the Journal ID drop-down list.
Click the contains list item.
Note: When the “contains” operator is selected, you can enter only a portion of the Journal ID. You may find it convenient to specify only the last few characters of the Journal ID.
Enter the appropriate information into the Journal ID field.
Note: You can use any combination of the criteria to locate the journal. Specifying your User ID may also be a helpful search criteria, if you are uncertain of the Journal ID.
Example shown here: enter "244".
After entering the appropriate information into the fields, click the Search button.
The Search Results are displayed in rows at the bottom of the screen.
Select the appropriate Journal ID to proceed to deleting the journal.
Example shown here: click the 1000244906 Journal ID.
Information about the budget journal is displayed.
Click the Budget Lines tab.
Click the Process drop-down list.
To remove the Budget Journal from the workflow, click the Edit Chartfields option.
Click the Process button.
Click the Process dropdown menu.
Click the Delete Journal option.
A confirmation message box opens that asks if you are sure you want to delete the selected journal.
Click the Yes button to delete.